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Quempas Carol

The Quempas Carol gets its name from the first two syllables of its Latin text: Quem Pastores Laudavere, which translates as "He whom joyous shepherds praise." The Quempas Carol is traditionally sung from the four corners of the church to announce the Christ child has come to all people, even those in the farthest corners of the world. One phrase is sung from each corner, then all join together. This version for handbells is arranged so that sections of the handbell choir begin in the four corners of the church. A total of 178 measures, "Quempas Carol" is set in C Major and Eb Major.  Using the optional hand drum and tambourine add an extra sparkle to this piece.

Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MNMHB637 (no written percussion part)   - 5 Oct HB with opt Hand Drum and Tambourine $5.20 S