Series Title: Community Ensemble Series - Choristers Guild
Song Title |
Composer(s) |
Arranger(s) |
Octaves |
La Tempestad |
Eithun, Mitchell |
5-8 |
Review: An original piece for the advanced handbell ensemble, "La Tempestad" is a rhythmic tour de force that evokes both Latin dance and a violent storm. It is inspired by the sounds of Latin dance music, but defies any regular form by employing a constantly shifting meter.
Mountain Journey |
Childers, Brian |
3-7 |
Review: "Mountain Journey" is an original work commissioned by the Charlotte Bronze Handbell Ensemble in memory of Greg Underwood. This level four selection moves through several styles of ringing and musical expression, yet is approachable and accessible.
Scatter the Morning Light |
Traditional Scottish Tune |
Eithun, Sandra |
3-5 |
Review: In her composition "Scatter the Morning Light", Sandra Eithun has written a beautiful memorial that is both joyful and reflective, perfectly capturing a life well lived! Skillfully utilizing a traditional Celtic tune, this piece is perfect for worship, concert, and celebration of life.
Thundersnow |
Moklebust, Cathy |
3-7 |
Review: "Thundersnow" begins with imagery like a typical snowstorm. The first section is soft, light, and Christmasy, but then beauty turns to discord as an impending storm begins to materialize. A blizzard rages, complete with the growls and booms of the phenomenon of "Thundersnow" provided by percussion.
Tongues of Flame |
Guebert, Alex |
5-7 |
Review: Inspiring, stately, dignified yet playful, intensely rhythmic with flourish and pizzazz – these are all ways to describe this high-level work by Alex Guebert.