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14-16 Bells for 3 Hymn Tunes


These 3 versatile hymn tunes (BEACH SPRING, KINGSFOLD, NOEL NOUVELET) have many possible texts - for a wide range of liturgical uses. For 5-8 ringers, each well-known tune has 2 score to choose from, depending on range of bells available and ringer skills: Score “A” spans A4 to G6 using 2 oct. while Score “B” uses D5 to C7. Score “B” allows more ringers to 4iH the upper parts. Each tune setting is unique and engaging, carefully crafted to be complete using just 14 bells with 2 optional notes in 2 of the pieces. Optional repeats allow for longer versions of these little gems. Your ringers will enjoy mastering these cleverly arranged hymn tunes and your listeners will be enchanted with how much music 14 bells can produce!! Part of ringTrue’s Celebrations series (collections of small pieces in different settings). More useful pieces in this series are listed in the back of the score and can be found at by searching under the “Series” category in the Music Selection Assistant. Find all ringTrue pieces by entering “RE” in the Stock # Search box and all pieces by Kathleen Wissinger by entering “Wissinger” in the composer box. Check out ringTrue’s Facebook page for updates and new releases, and Handbell Educators FB page for ideas for ringing in the classroom. Let’s Ring!

Published by: ringTrue

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This music is being licensed for use by the purchaser. You may use this file to print as many copies as are needed. It may also be used on digital devices controlled by the purchaser. You may not sell, transfer, rent, lease, redistribute or sub-license this product. Doing so will result in the revocation of the license.

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 Part of the Series:

Titles are listed below
Wissinger, Kathleen
Season: All Year
Classification: Collection , Hymn Tune
Technique: LV (Let Vibrate)
Voicing: Handbells, No Choral
Bells Used: Two Octaves: 16 Bells; Three Octaves: 16 Bells
  Stock Number Description Price Qty. Ship Disc
MRE4010AB 2 or 3 oct HB   $5.00 S  
LRE4010AB Digital Site License
2 or 3 oct HB
$19.95 - -
Titles include:
  • Beach Spring
  • Kingsfold
  • Noel Nouvelet
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