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Ring Out! Press - Winter & Spring 2025 Notebooks Lights Risers & Stands Mallets Foam Digital Music

Gaudio Exsultans
Winner of the AREA V 2001 Composition Contest for the 2003 Young Ringers' Festival, this original work by Valerie Stephenson includes an optional part for 7 handchimes, ranging from C#5 to Bb5. The musical character marking is "With Jubilance" and the music itself stands true to that exhortation! Lots of fun techniques, bouncy rhythms, and joyful melody take place before the ending in measure ninety. The accompaniment is mostly chordal with the last section adding the repetitive syncopation young ringers especially enjoy!
Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MAG35208 Gaudio Exsultans   - HB/Optional Chimes (2 Octaves) $4.95 S