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Ein Feste Burg
Written for the 10th anniversary of the Kokomo Handbell Festival, this arrangement of Martin Luther's best-known hymn, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God", pulls out all the stops. Parts include scores for 3 octaves, 4-5 octaves, keyboard, brass and timpani. The handbell parts, however, may stand alone as a coherent piece. The best adjectives to describe this rendering are: big, fanfarish, chromatic, dissonant, triumphant and majestic. Released in 1996, it has been used for many festivals across the country. Brass ensemble consists of 2 trumpets, Horn in F, Trombone and Tuba. Measures total 91.
Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MAG301182AG Ein Feste Burg   - Director Score/Brass pts--2 Trumpets, Horn in F, Trombone, Tuba, Timpani $25.00 S
MAG3075 3 oct HB pt $4.95 S
MAG35103 Full Score/Keyboard part $5.95 S
MAG45049 4-5 oct pt HB $4.95 S