Jesus Jesus Rest Your Head
This simple Kentucky carol invites you to sit at the manger in wonder. Scored in two non-compatible settings (“A” for 2 octaves and “B” for 3 or 5 octaves for handbells or hand chimes) this gentle Level 1 piece in slow 4/4 meter is carefully arranged to involve all ringers without being overbearing. The melody is found in both the upper and lower registers. Excellent for teaching ties, voicing, dynamics, musical form, rallentando, ritardando and fermata; a Unison Exercise sheet is included to introduce your ringers to all the skills required in the score. “Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head” can be played without any bell changes, but there are optional accidentals in 2 measures for more harmonic interest. The double score option allows you to use the best range for your ringers on hand - which may change from season to season or concert to concert. Even in a festival setting, choirs can all play from one setting and then use the other one at home.
A lovely piece perfect for beginning choirs or as a quick work-up for worship, it can serve well as a virtual recording project since the sound files include 2 prep measures (drum beats) for use as a reference track. The first measure sets the tempo; ringers can tap in the 2nd measure for lining up the sound files and then silently count one beat to prepare to ring. (Count the fermata as 4 beats.) No shared bells, no page turn (for the 2 oct. version) and no special techniques makes it ideal for ringing with music stands only or for using well-spaced tables – and even for ringing from home. Audio handbell performances of each piece (with the 2 prep measures) can be found at Just like all ringTrue scores, this score is available in hard copy format with a beautiful cover - or as a Digital License which allows you to copy.
More useful pieces in the “Class ring” series are listed on the back of the score and can be found at by searching under the “Series” category in the Music Selection Assistant. Find all ringTrue pieces by entering “RE” in the Stock # Search box and all pieces by Kathleen Wissinger by entering “Wissinger” in the composer box. Check out ringTrue’s Facebook page for updates and new releases - and Handbell Educators FB page for ideas for ringing in the classroom. Let’s Ring!