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Little Rock
“Little Rock” is a simple engaging song about creation by Lois Brokering with a repetitive text and a catchy tune. Many performances options are included: 1) Handbell Bell Tree Solo and piano; 2) Children’s Anthem and Piano with opt. C instrument and guitar; 3) Children’s Anthem with self-accompanying chords in a charted chord score; 4) Include the congregation in the fun with the Bulletin insert or text slides; 5) Add a very easy L1 1-3 oct. Handbell/Handchime score; 6) Mix and Match any or all of the possibilities! Form (Intro, Verse 1, Coda) is indicated in boxes in each score to help with navigation to keep all the participants synchronized. The entire folio is reproducible by the original purchaser to pass out song sheets, copy handbell parts, create Power Point slides, etc. “Little Rock” is the second piece in “The Brokering Project” – a commissioned project featuring Handbell Solos and Children’s Anthems that celebrate the inspired creations of Herb and Lois Brokering - commissioned by their long-time friend Karen Van Wert. “Rainbows” RE7607R offers a Handbell Solo (rung at the tables) along with an endearing Children’s Anthem and many performance options. Involve your entire school or choral team to present this piece as a grand finale for a school concert or for special music in worship. Ideal for a camp theme song and the closing ceremony. Add visual aids and posters to enliven the show: rocks, stars, trees on poster board held up at particular sections, move and reset singers and props during the short transitions, share the spotlight with the Bell Tree soloist by taking turns with the melody – feel free to adapt this cheery score to best serve your needs – add Orff instruments, percussion and recorders. If additional instrumentation is needed, contact the composer at or through Jeffers. Part of the Sing & Ring and First String series from ringTrue.
Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MRE7510R Little Rock   - 1-3 Oct HB Children's Anthem and/or Belltree Solo w/Piano/Guitar $18.00 S