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Two Psalm Settings
Don't miss these two outstanding psalm settings suitable for use throughout the year. The first piece, "Majestic Your Name, O God" features a text by Susan Cherwien based on Psalm 8. This lively, but elegant anthem makes use of a refrain separated by verses that can be sung by children's choir, mixed voice choirs, or even congregation. The second anthem, "Prayer of Dedication," is a quiet prayer based on Psalm 19:14. This setting includes long melodic lines of step-wise motion, with an optional second part that moves in canon with the first. Both pieces provide excellent opportunities for teaching breath control and phrasing and also make use of optional instrument parts designed for beginning instrumentalists. Lectionary use: Psalm 8 - Holy Name ABC; Trinity Sunday AC; New Year ABC; Proper 22 [27]; Psalm 19:14 - Easter Vigil ABC; Lent 3 B; Epiphany 3 [3] C; Proper 22 [27] A; Proper 19 [24] B; Proper 21 [26] B
Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MCGA1077 Two Psalm Settings   - Unison/Two Part with keyboard, optional trumpet and 3 optional handbells or handchimes.
 $1.95  $1.76