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Ring Out! Press - Winter & Spring 2025 Notebooks Lights Risers & Stands Mallets Foam Digital Music

La Mer
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Rich waves of eighth note undulations and arpeggios (covering the full 5 octave expanse) are played with bold chords to personify the undulating seashore and the crashing surf. Suzanne Ciani's wistful piano solo sparkles on handbells and opt. handchimes. The opt. flute solo is advanced and adds a rich counter theme to the mix. Rated L5 due to the continual arpeggios, the quick tempo and the syncopation in the middle section, La Mer is a showcase piece for an advanced ringing choir for concert and worship. An opt. L1 Choir II part on chimes allows two choirs to present this piece together with even more fullness
Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MDR027 La Mer   - HB/Opt Chimes (1-7 oct) or Choir II
 $20.00  $12.00