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Acrylic 2-Piece Lectern

Acrylic Lectern Base
Use this lectern base to lift your music up from the table. Lecterns nest together for easy storage and feature easy-to-carry handholds with rounded corners. Dimensions: 14-1/2"open x 14" height. Great when partnered with the acrylic Lectern Desk; also works well with the Acrylic Music Stand.

Acrylic Lectern Desk
When used with the Lectern Base, this acrylic desk functions as a music stand to support music or a notebook. Similar to the Acrylic Music Stand, this desk top measures 18" wide x 12" high, yet does not include the heavy wire support of the acrylic music stand.

The use of ammonia or alcohol based products for cleaning acrylic is not recommended. Instead, use a mild detergent or our Novus Polish.

Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
3111 Acrylic Lectern Base   - (Base Only) $45.00 S
3116 Acrylic Lectern Desk (For Use On Lectern Base)   - (Desk Only) $45.00 S