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Processional Alleluia
Performance notes given read "This piece may be used as a processional since the ringing patterns are repetitious and easy to memorize". The last section is very similar to the first. In the first section, a new element is added every 16 bars; in the last section an element is subtracted every 16 bars. Perform using handbells alone or with handchimes, keyboard and/or brass. Brass ensemble is 2 Trumpets,French horn, Trombone, Tuba.
Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MJHS9191 Processional Alleluia   - HB/Opt Chimes (3-5 oct) $4.50 S
MJHS9191B Processional Alleluia   - Brass pts $10.00 S
MJHS9191FS Processional Alleluia   - Full Score $6.95 S