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Alamo (A Suite in 3 Movements)
Scored for Wind Ensemble with optional 5-7 octave handbells and 3-4 octave auxiliary bells, The Alamo consists of 3 movements: "Ole' Dan Tucker Hoedown", "The Battle", and "In Memoriam". The bell part for "Ole' Dan Tucker Hoedown" (movement one) is published by From the Top Music (item # MFM20567); "The Battle", "In Memoriam", and the full scores and instrumental parts for all three movements are available through Bellissimo Publications.

Mvt. 1: "Ole' Dan Tucker" (5 oct HB; Level 4+) is approximately 2:15 in length.
Mvt. 2: "The Battle" (5-7 oct HB with 3-4 oct aux bells; Rating: Med-Adv) is approximately 4:05 in length.
Mvt. 3: "In Memoriam" (5-7 oct HB; Rating: Easy) is approximately 1:35 in length.
Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MBP202410FSP Ol Dan Tucker Hoedown   - FS and Inst parts ("Ole' Dan Tucker Hoedown")
 $40.00  $36.00
MBP202411 Alamo   - HB part ("The Battle")
 $6.00  $5.40
MBP202411FSP Battle, The - The Alamo Movement 2   - FS and Inst parts ("The Battle")
 $40.00  $36.00
MBP202412 In Memoriam - The Alamo - Movement 3   - HB part ("In Memoriam")
 $6.00  $5.40
MBP202412CS Alamo, The - All Movements   - FS and Inst parts (all 3 mvts.)
 $99.00  $89.10
MBP202412FSP Alamo (Suite)   - FS and Inst parts ("In Memoriam")
 $40.00  $36.00
MBP202412R Alamo, The - Parts 2 and 3   - Reproducible HB parts (mvts. 2 and 3 only)
 $70.00  $63.00