Wave the Palms
Hosanna! Celebrate Palm Sunday with this engaging Chord Story that follows Jesus along the road into Jerusalem. The disciples, the crowds, the palm branches and even the donkey have parts in this tale! Each character has a short musical “theme” played by a few ringers during the narrated story; all teachable by rote and ready to perform within minutes. Ringers may also act as the crowd and the disciples by vocalizing some of the statements in the script. Rated Level Zero! and geared for non-ringers, new ringers and beginners, Chord Stories can also add fun to talent shows, children’s sermons and skit nights. Actors, sound effects and scenery can also be added to make it a pagent. No tables are required and handbells and/or hand chimes may be used. Set-up sheets, instructions and detailed notes are included. For 2 to 18 or more participants. Reproducible The 30-second audio clip features a few characters from the presentation.
More Chord Stories from ringTrue: At The Manger RE1004R, Joseph’s Colorful Coat RE1005R, Noah’s Ark RE1001R, The Prodigal Son RE1003R, Stone Soup RE1002R.