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La Grace (Grazioso)
La Grâce is from Telemann's Marches Héroiques "Heldenmusick" published in 1728. The lyrical melody is carried in the treble throughout, supported by chords in the mid-voices and a gently-malleted bass pedal line. There are a few dynamics throughout which fit the musical line perfectly. It is available in both a 3-4 octave version and a separate 5 or 7-octave version which includes the optional G1, A1, and B1. It is marked at q=76 but it is a 'march', albeit a gentle one, and will also flow along nicely at a faster tempo if you choose. The recording omitted two repeats which are included in both scores. The demo recording is of the 5-octave version.
Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MFM207373 La Grace (Grazioso)   - 3-4 oct HB $3.95 S
MFM207375 La Grace (Grazioso)   - 5 or 7 oct HB $3.95 S