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Overture for a Festive Day
This original composition is perfect for any celebration – thus the title "Overture for a Festive Day" plus the alternate title of "Prelude for a Joyous Day". It begins with a fanfare – which occasionally re-appears throughout the piece. Themes appear in both treble and bass clefs and the main melody occurs about mid-way through. It is rung throughout with some malleted bass sections and many 16th note runs that build excitement and segue into the next section. There are several key changes, alternating between D major and F major. Your bronze musicians will have a great time ringing this and audiences will be carried along by the excitement! 90 measures.
Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MFM20452 Overture for a Festive Day   - 5 oct HB
 $4.95  $4.46