Friendship (Rejoice and Be Merry)
"Friendship" - a very special commission - celebrates the bond of friendship and the joy of ringing together. A cheeky melody showcases fun times in friendship while the middle section takes on a more somber tone. Three compatible scores (L1+, L2 and L3) can each stand alone, yet any two – or all three – may be played together in a festival or multi-level/-grade/-generational setting. Score #1 (L1+ for 2-3 oct.) has all quarters notes and easy accidentals, with a few easy 8th notes, Score #2 (L2 for 3-6/7 oct.) has an 8th note melody/counter melody and more active accidentals. Score #3 (L3 for 3-6/7 oct.) includes all ringers in a continual 8th note melody - including the bass line at times. Suggestions for showcasing particular choirs are included. Marts, mart lifts, mallets, echoes, ring touch and gyro add to the levity. Use the subtitle "Rejoice and Be Merry" for sacred settings. Ideal for school settings with multiple grades, for church worship services with multiple choirs, and for inclusion of all participants (tins, coppers and bronze) in an exciting massed festival piece.
A Director’s score (RE8018D) is also available for massed ringing occasions with all 3 scores in one system. And a special solo melody score (RE8018S) for a C or Bb instrument (or even for whistling or kazoo) is available, especially for RE80181. Special thanks to the Houston Bronze Ensemble and the Brookwood Handbell Ensemble for commissioning and inspiring this piece!!