Ten Soundings – Fanfares for Bells - is a unique collection of ten original, short, level one to level three, twenty-measure compositions. Each "Sounding" consists of a four measure introduction/coda and sixteen measures of thematic material. Within each piece, there exist no bell changes. Further, each piece is one page in length and can be played by either 2-3 octave ensembles (left page) or 4-6 octave ensembles (right page) and can be memorized, if desired. Derek lists nearly 60 hymns that fit with one of these 10 fanfares and many options for their use. No bells used charts are included, since all bells within the selected key signature and specified range are needed. This is a work of genius and one of the most flexible sets of hymn additions you will find anywhere!
Recording is of Sounding #6 and Sounding #8.