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Let Praises Ring Vol 3
Volume 3 of this popular series includes 25 creative settings of traditional hymns and responses which make this a must-have volume for every church handbell choir. For use with three to five octaves of bells, organ, and congregation, each hymn has an introduction and festive final verse. Some hymns have provisions for an additional verse as well. There are also some service elements included in this volume (an introit, several prayer responses, amens, and a benediction). These settings ensure that the bells sound out, that the organist has something interesting to do, and that the congregation is supported and uplifted. Purchase of this product includes permission to reproduce all that you need to use all 25 settings.
Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MMOMSM30848 Let Praises Ring Vol 3   - Reproducible Collection for 3-5 oct HB with organ and congregation $38.00 S