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Ring Out! Press - Winter & Spring 2025 Notebooks Lights Risers & Stands Mallets Foam Digital Music

Immortal Invisible
Commissioned in celebration of a Director's ministry in music, this festive piece for handbells and organ is triumphant, energetic and keeps all ringers involved. Optional handchimes add contrast in a middle section. Primarily, chordal ringing (and tall chords at that) is called for; the quarter = 110 tempo is the main challenge. This version of the familiar hymntune is a nice selection for festivals or an opening concert number as well as any up-beat moment of worship. It is 109 measures and is scored in C Major and E Major.
Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MSTSGM150 Immortal Invisible   - Handbell Part $4.50 S
MSTSGM150FS Immortal Invisible   - Director Score/Organ Score $7.95 S