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Ring Out! Press - Winter & Spring 2025 Notebooks Lights Risers & Stands Mallets Foam Digital Music

Long Ago Prophets Knew
Paired with the renowned historic carol PERSONENT HODIE (familiar as "On This Day Earth Shall Ring"), Fred Pratt Green's Advent text has become a modern day classic. The blending of text and tune joyously invites singers and listeners alike to sing and rejoice at Christ's coming as recalled by the prophets of old. The optional addition of 13 handbells sets an ideal tone for the refrain: "Ring, bells ring! Sing, choirs, sing! We will make him welcome!" Arranged in d minor and e minor, this anthem is 114 measures.
Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MHPC5524 Long Ago Prophets Knew   - SATB $2.95 S
MHPC5524HB Long Ago Prophets Knew   - Handbell Part $5.25 S