"Gwerzy" is a fast-paced piece composed by members of the Irish band Kila. The group, best described as being "next generation Celtic", has released several CDs and is well known in Ireland.The area of influence and tradition of Celtic music traverses countries and includes Ireland, Wales, Scotland, England and parts of France. It is in France that "Gwerzy" owes its title. In 1993, members of Kila attended a music festival in the Brittany area of France and were particularly impressed by a group that performed by the name of GWERZ. Later, back in Ireland, Colm O'Snodaigh and Dee Armstrong were working on a new tune and kept describing it as sounding like music from the band, GWERZ. One thing led to another and the new song that sounded like GWERZ became "Gwerzy", and the name stuck. Careful attention should be made to the placement and intent of the markings and notations found throughout the piece. Enjoy! Measures total 137.