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Psalm 139

Review:      Psalm 139 is among those which are addressed to the "leader" or "choirmaster". The language assures us that God knows us thoroughly and in all situations, doing so by employing contrasting ideas: 'when I sit / when I rise'; 'if I go up to the heavens / if I make my bed in the depths'; 'If I rise on the wings of the dawn / surely the darkness of night will hide me.'

This musical interpretation of this Psalm strives to be a joyful, confident response, with melodic lines that rise, then fall, only to rise again even higher. The central section explores the relative minor key, reflecting on the final two verses of the Psalm which invite God to inventory our defects and lead us to higher ground.

Published by: Choristers Guild

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Gramann, Fred
Easy Medium
Season: All Year
Classification: Church or Concert , Original Composition
Technique: Echo , Sk (Shake) , LV (Let Vibrate)
Voicing: Handbells, No Choral
Bells Used: Three Octaves: 24 Bells; Four Octaves: 31 Bells; Five Octaves: 38 Bells
  Stock Number Description Price Qty. Ship Disc
MCGB1276 3-5 oct HB   $4.95 S  
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