This haunting setting of a beloved hymn is a great choice for the ensemble looking for something different and versatile. While the piece can be played by handbells and handchimes alone, the inclusion of the optional solo voice or solo instrument will really make this piece something to remember.
Composer: Hymn Tune Arranger: Krug, Jason W. Octaves: 3-6 Level: 3- Publisher: Grassy Meadow Music Rating: Medium
The method presented in this thorough work is a set of techniques which allow a solo ringer to ring two or more notes at a time continuously throughout a piece. Interlocked handle techniques are avoided because of slow setup times and limited combinations.
Composer: Various Arranger: Allen, David M./Patton, David L. Octaves: 3-4 Level: NA Publisher: National Handbell Music Rating:
"He comes to heal the broken hearted, and those who thought that hope was gone," so begins the text of this anthem, which includes a score for five to ten bells ranging from C5 to G6. The bells ring in the first and last sections in simple rhythms in open octaves. The tempo is slow and may be played by a good level I choir.
Composer: Wagner, D. Arranger: Octaves: 2 Level: 2 Publisher: Warner Brothers Publications / Jubilate Music Group Rating: Easy
Each ringer's part is on a separate system, so four copies will be needed unless ringers share a stand. The 2 quartets individually arranged are "Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus" and "Good Christian Men Rejoice."
Composer: Various Arranger: Hirt Octaves: 3 Level: NA Publisher: Jeffers Publishing Rating: Easy Medium
This two-piece folio includes "Were You There" (for Lent) and "Coventry Carol" (for Advent). Malleting on suspended bells is featured in the Lent carol for a shimmering effect. The Advent carol requires no page turns.
Composer: Various Arranger: Sherry, Mark Octaves: 3 Level: 1+ Publisher: Meadowlark Melodies Rating: Easy Medium
Ring in the season with this joyous medley. The use of stopped techniques and optional handchimes add interest and excitement, making it the perfect piece for any Advent worship service or concert.
Composer: Various Arranger: Dennis, Karissa Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3- Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Medium
Using only whole, half and quarter notes, this piece gives your beginning group an opportunity to grow using various techniques.
Composer: Various Arranger: Rogers, S. Octaves: 2 Level: 1+ Publisher: Morning Star Music Publishers Rating: Easy
This version of the title "Advent Carol" is a good selection for the less experienced 2 octave choir because of repeated notes, easy rhythms and the lovely tune.
Composer: Burroughs, B. Arranger: Octaves: 2 Level: NA Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy
With the exception of a short middle section, the half note rhythm of the bass bells create a solid foundation for different treatments of the "Veni Emmanuel" tune.
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Hopson, H. Octaves: 3 or 5 Level: 2 Publisher: Choristers Guild Rating: Easy
This work is a versatile Christmas selection. It includes a Procession that can be easily memorized, "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence", "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks" and "Angels We Have Heard on High."
Composer: Various Arranger: Kirk, Phyllis S. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 2 Publisher: Laurendale Associates Rating: Easy
Two beloved German hymn tunes ("Break Forth O Beauteous Heavenly Light" and "Lo How a Rose E'er Blooming") are melded together in this arrangement perfect for your Advent or Christmas services.
Composer: Various Arranger: Ingram, Bill Octaves: 3-5 Level: 2+ Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy Medium
Part of the "Ardis Freeman Handbell Library," this 4-page setting of three advent tunes ("JEFFERSON, NUM KOMM and HEIDEN HEILAND") places the melodies in upper and lower registers. Some meter change and terraced dynamics are used. The back page contains the bells used chart, a warm-up exercise applicable to the piece, and helpful performance notes.
Composer: Various Arranger: Moats, William E. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 2 Publisher: Genesis Press Rating: Easy Medium
Advent Fantasy combines the tunes GENEVAN 42 (Comfort, Comfort Now My People), PICARDY (Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence), NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND (Savior of the Nations, Come) and PUER NOBIS (On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry).
Composer: Various Arranger: Philips, Judy Octaves: 3-6 Level: 3 Publisher: Choristers Guild Rating: Medium
The contemplative strains of "Savior of the Nations, Come" and "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus" are woven together in this lovely musical prayer for the Advent season.
Composer: Various Arranger: Hakes, Derek Octaves: 2-3 Level: 2 Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy Medium
This energetic setting of “Prepare the Way, O Zion” will set the stage for Advent. Ringers will enjoy the forward motion of this arrangement which incorporates the beloved HYFRYDOL tune.
Composer: Various Arranger: Childers, Brian Octaves: 3-5 Level: 2+ Publisher: Alfred Handbell / Jubilate Music Group Rating: Easy Medium
This simple, yet masterful combining of a contemporary hymn, GOD COMES TOMORROW by John Bell, with the venerable tune GREENSLEEVES gives smaller ensembles a wonderful choice for Advent.
Composer: Various Arranger: Norman, Nancy A. Octaves: 3 Level: 2 Publisher: G.I.A. Publications, Inc. Rating: Easy Medium
The advent tunes "Veni Emmanuel, Picardy," and "Aberystwyth" are woven into a lovely collage.
Composer: Various Arranger: Wagner, D. Octaves: 3 Level: NA Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy Medium
This short, easy medley of the tunes VENI EMMANUEL, PICARDY, and ABERYSTWYTH effectively captures the mystery and wonder of the season of anticipation.
Composer: Various Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 2 Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy Medium
This meditative, original tune is ideal for use throughout the holidays and for candlelight services in particular.
Composer: Edwards, Dan R. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 2 Publisher: SoundForth Publications / Lorenz Co. Rating: Easy Medium
This setting of three favorite Advent and Christmas songs has been artfully arranged for two complete, 5 or 6-octave handbell choirs and has several options which will offer interesting performance choices.
Composer: Various Arranger: Afdahl, Lee J. Octaves: 5-6 Level: 3 Publisher: From the Top Music Rating: Medium
This piece is a medley of two Advent tunes, “Hyfrydol” and “Comfort You My People,” in ABA form, with shifting meters and a unifying ostinato found in both piano and handbell parts.
Composer: Prichard, Rowland Hugh & Psalter, Genevan Arranger: Hascall, Nancy Octaves: 3 Level: NA Publisher: Above the Line Publishing Rating:
Ring in the season with this lively arrangement of the French carol "Sing We Now of Christmas", including a hopeful, scripture-based text for Advent.
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Page, Anna Laura & Shafferman, Jean Anne Octaves: 2 Level: NA Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating:
This tune for handbells and handchimes begins with a bass pattern. Variations are then added before the Advent tune is introduced—NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND, or “Savior of the Nations, Come.”
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Lamb, Linda Octaves: 3-5 Level: 2 Publisher: Concordia Publishing House Rating: Easy Medium
For unison voices and four handbells, this anthem contains two parts: a "before the procession" section and a "the procession" section. No other accompaniment is given.
Composer: Proulx, R. Arranger: Octaves: 2 Level: NA Publisher: G.I.A. Publications, Inc. Rating: Easy
This arrangement is for unison/2 part chorus, congregation, percussion and 2 bells. The percussion instruments include triangle, tabor, tom tom, bell tree, and a hurdy gurdy. Hints of the tune "O Come O Come Emmanuel" are present throughout.
Composer: Pearson Arranger: Octaves: 3 Level: 1 Publisher: Paraclete Press Rating: Easy
Two octaves of bells and voices combine in this setting of Rorate Caeli in Chant Mode I. The bells score is not difficult, but does require reading music without a meter sign.
Composer: Rorate Caell Arranger: Hurd, D. Octaves: 2 Level: 3 Publisher: G.I.A. Publications, Inc. Rating: Medium Advance
The traditional tune VENI, VENI, EMMANUEL is set here for 5 verses with an organum part, optional congregation and 9 handbells (G4-D5). The bells ring a single, open-spaced chord in quarter-note and half-note rhythms throughout the piece.
Composer: Arranger: Schulz-Widmar, R. Octaves: 2 Level: 1 Publisher: Selah Publishing Co. Rating: Easy
The tune NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND has been creatively set for an organ prelude and a procession with handbells, and chimes or percussion. The tempo is slow and the mood is free, almost chant-like.
Composer: Walther, Johann Arranger: McIntyre, John Octaves: 3 Level: 2 Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers Rating: Easy
"Advent Promise" has an anticipatory energy about it - just like the Advent season. Fresh original music, along with the hymn, "Come, Thou Long -Expected Jesus," (slightly altered), is fully scored to keep all ringers involved, and spiced with special techniques.
Composer: Page, Anna Laura Octaves: 2-3 Level: 1 Publisher: Alfred Handbell / Jubilate Music Group Rating: Easy
Sub-titled "Our Hope and Expectation," this piece is an arrangement of the Swedish Tune "Haf Trones Lampa Fardig." The rhythms are simple, but there are several bell changes and key changes that add interest and challenge.
Composer: Swedish Tune Arranger: Moats, William E. Octaves: 3-4 Level: 2+ Publisher: Genesis Press Rating: Easy Medium
Doug Wagner has artfully melded two traditional Advent hymns (Kingsfold and Veni Emmanuel) in this arrangement that includes optional handbells or handchimes.
Composer: Various Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E. Octaves: 2 Level: NA Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating:
"Lead us from darkness, make us your own," is the congregational text of this anthem, which includes a score for 4 handbells(E5, A5, B5 and C#6).
Composer: Clarke, R. Arranger: Honore, J. Octaves: 2 Level: 2 Publisher: G.I.A. Publications, Inc. Rating: Easy
This set of three carols--"Comfort Comfort These My People, Savior of the Nations Come, and Prepare the Royal Highway"--provides contrasting moods that encompass the full range of emotions of the Advent season.
Composer: Various Arranger: Tucker, Sondra Octaves: 2-3 Level: 3 Publisher: Beckenhorst Press, Inc. Rating: Medium
3 tunes, "Veni Emmanuel", "Wachet Auf" and "Helmsley", are presented as a medley wrapped in a constantly moving 8th-note pattern.
Composer: Various Arranger: Wilson, M. Octaves: 3-5 Level: NA Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy Medium
Two familiar Advent hymn tunes, TRURO and STUTTGART, announce the promised coming of Our Lord in a bold and spirited style.
Composer: Various Arranger: Akers, Michael E. Octaves: 2-3 Level: 2 Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy Medium
This Advent medley begins with LV and the hymn “Savior of the Nations, Come,” then moves into a gently syncopated accompaniment supporting “O Come, 0 Come, Emmanuel.” Then with subtle touch, the chant DIVINUM MYSTERIUM, sneaks into the mix via handchimes.
Composer: Various Arranger: Compton, Matthew Octaves: 3-6 Level: 3+ Publisher: Hope Publishing Co. Rating: Medium
This compilation of 8 previously released tunes is a wonderful resource for Advent and Christmas.
Composer: Various Arranger: Various Octaves: 3-5 Level: 2+ Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy Medium
Arranged for 3 to 5 octave handbell choir, optional 2 octaves of handchimes and optional flute or violin. Karen Lakey Buckwalter expertly weaves together a trio of Advent carols in this lyrical medley appropriate for church or concert use.
Composer: Various Arranger: Buckwalter, Karen Lakey Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3- Publisher: Beckenhorst Press, Inc. Rating: Medium
"Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence" (54 measures), "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus" (112 measures) and "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming" (100 measures) makes up the three separate selections in this excellent resource for the Advent season.
Composer: Various Arranger: Krug, Jason Octaves: 2-3 Level: 3 Publisher: Beckenhorst Press, Inc. Rating: Medium
Take 1 to 9 ringers on an “Adventure” with this spunky piece that showcases the virtuosity of 1 to 4 ringers playing a Level 2+ non-stop 8-bell 8th-note melody line (using Bell Tree, Four-in-Hand (4iH) or regular assignments) – plus an easier Level 2- accompaniment option for 1 to 5 additional ringers (or Orff, piano, harp or even Boomwhackers ᴿ!). Many options for performance are noted, including playing it with 2 ringers 4iH-ing the melody line and 2 ringers covering the accompaniment.
Composer: Wissinger, Kathleen Octaves: 2-3 Level: 2+ Publisher: ringTrue Rating: Easy Medium
Also titled "A Journey of Faith", this Ron Mallory original pulses rhythmically with malleted bells and percussion, creating a big, full sound that is as engaging to perform as it is to hear.
Composer: Mallory, Ron Octaves: 2-6 Level: 2+ Publisher: Jeffers Publishing Rating: Easy Medium
Celtic harmonies and expansive scoring provide a fitting backdrop for the two familiar Advent hymn tunes, VENI EMMANUEL and BEREDEN VAG FOR HERRAN. Optional finger cymbals and wind chimes team up with ethereal harmonies and rythm patterns to produce a mysterious air.
Composer: Various Arranger: Wissinger, Kathleen Octaves: 2-5 Level: 2+ Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy Medium
"Affaire de Coeur" was the winner of the "Solo, Duet, or Small Ensemble" Category of the 1998 Composition Contest sponsored by the Alberta (Canada) Guild of English Handbell Ringers. The melody is sweet and nostalgic in the opening section, but moves to a piu mosso section where the time signature is 5/8.
Composer: Merriett, F. Arranger: Octaves: 2 Level: NA Publisher: High Meadow Music Publishing Rating: Easy Medium
Two themes form the body of this fervent devotional expression. One moves in single voice eight notes in both soprano and tenor registers. The second is a hymn-like tune of striking simplicity.
Composer: Gross, William Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3+ Publisher: Flagstaff Publishing Rating: Medium Advance
Of the 18 Choral Responses and Amens in this booklet only one incorporates 2 octaves of handbells, which are notated all on one stave.
Composer: Various Arranger: Wood, D. Octaves: 2 Level: 2 Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy
This arrangement by Julie Turner for handbells, handchimes, and percussion pulses with all of the energy of the 80's pop classic. Just try to get the tune out of your head! Perfect for any advanced community or school group, this will bring a bit of flair to your next concert and would make a perfect encore. Once again, this series proves that Handbells ROCK!
Composer: Paich, David and Porcaro, Jeff Arranger: Turner, Julie Octaves: 4-5 Level: 4 Publisher: Jeffers Publishing Rating: Medium Advance
This arrangement of "Africa" begins with the body percussion sounds that are reminiscent of a rain storm, and are beautifully illustrated by Perpetuum Jazzile's rendition of "Africa" that may be found on YouTube.
Composer: Emerson, Roger Arranger: Mizell, Carol Lynn Octaves: 5-7 Level: 5 Publisher: Choristers Guild Rating: Advance
The composer of this original work gives suggested rhythms for African percussion instruments in the performance notes. She encourages experimentation with different rhythms and combinations of instruments.
Composer: Moklebust, C. Arranger: Octaves: 3-5 Level: 4 Publisher: Choristers Guild Rating: Medium Advance
Andre Thomas' popular choral work for Christmas is the source for this delightful handbell arrangement.
Composer: Thomas, Andre' J. Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy Octaves: 3-5 Level: 4 Publisher: Choristers Guild Rating: Medium Advance
A quick tempo, syncopated and dotted rhythms in 6/8 time, and tonal center shifts with bell changes all work to make this composition by Enrique Granados magical and challenging.
Composer: Granados, E. Arranger: Luethi, G. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 5 Publisher: Flagstaff Publishing Rating: Advance
This selection, written for the Bay View Week of Handbells, will push ringers' expressiveness and musicality to their limits. Soaring melodies and undulating accompaniment figures abound, giving the piece a constant sense of motion and flow.
Composer: Krug, Jason W. Octaves: 4-8 Level: 4 Publisher: Choristers Guild Rating: Advance
“After the Prelude, Year A” completes the three-year cycle of music for handbells and handchimes and ideas for moving beyond the standard literature to incorporate them into worship leadership. This collection emphasizes the use of bells for hymns, refrains that bring cohesion to church seasons, and music for other festivals and occasions.
Composer: Various Arranger: Mathis, William H. Octaves: 3-5 Level: NA Publisher: Choristers Guild Rating:
This reproducible product provides valuable resources for utilizing handbells and handchimes throughout the worship service. Included are ways to add sparkle and meaning to hymns, calls to worship, processions, scripture readings, prayers, fanfares, and other responses.
Composer: Mathis, William H. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 2 Publisher: Choristers Guild Rating: Easy
“After the Prelude, Year C” is the second release in the three-year, lectionary-based worship resource series for handbell directors. The original purchaser is granted permission to reproduce the music as needed for ringers and other instrumentalists.
In today's hectic and uncertain world, Linda Lamb has given us an original work infused with a tranquil and calming sense of comfort and security. Scored for handbells with optional handchimes and C instrument, After the Storm (subtitled “The Still, Small Voice”) is ideal for worship and concerts.
Composer: Lamb, Linda R. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 2 Publisher: G.I.A. Publications, Inc. Rating: Easy Medium
Tunes associated with the hymns "Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart" and "Rejoice, the Lord Is King" are scored with confidence and flair.
Composer: Various Arranger: Larson, Lloyd Octaves: 3-5 Level: 2 Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy Medium
An ethereal opening gives way to a driving, arpeggiated figure replete with syncopations and jubilant energy! The piece builds in energy and intensity throughout before fading away with echoes of the opening once more.
Composer: Krug, Jason W. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3 Publisher: Grassy Meadow Music Rating: Medium Advance
This original composition for bells and chimes flows through several varying emotional moods: flowing, with a pulse, with conviction (a little faster),broadly, and flowing with emotion -- all in 72 measures. The chimes begin the work with a poignant melody containing dotted rhythms and sixteenth notes.
Composer: Gross, William Octaves: 2-3 Level: 3 Publisher: Flagstaff Publishing Rating: Medium
This beautiful piece from Bizet's "L'Arlesienne Suite No. 2" is based on a phrase of Gregorian chant and skillfully arranged by Martha Lynn Thompson.
Composer: Bizet, George & Guirard, Ernest Arranger: Thompson, Martha Lynn Octaves: 3-6 Level: 3 Publisher: AGEHR Publishing Rating: Medium
Meticulously crafted, this composition moves seamlessly through a variety of time and key signatures. The traditional melody, Dona Nobis Pacem, embedded though out, is most obvious in the final section.
Composer: Hooper, John Octaves: 3-6 Level: 5 Publisher: From the Top Music Rating: Advance
This well-known contemporary song is arranged for handbells, with optional handchimes, synth and percussion, all in a powerful inspirational reflection.
Composer: Smith, Michael W. Arranger: Raney, Joel Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3 Publisher: Hope Publishing Co. Rating: Medium
The Johann Cruger tune, Herzliebster Jesu, is set by Almon Bock in only 28 measures. A contemplative statement is given followed by a gradual tapering off to hushed tied whole notes.
Composer: Cruger, J. Arranger: Bock, A. Octaves: 3 Level: 2+ Publisher: Art Masters Studio, Inc. Rating: Medium
Johann Cruger's hymn is ideal for the Lent or Easter season. There is a quiet beginning and ending and the middle section is majestic.
Composer: Cruger, J. Arranger: Sherman, A. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3 Publisher: Hope Publishing Co. Rating: Medium
This piece is rhythmically easy. Meter switches from simple to compound and back to simple create additional interest in this lovely arrangement.
Composer: Cruger, Johann Arranger: Gumma, Victor L. Octaves: 4 Level: NA Publisher: Psaltery Music Publications Rating: Easy Medium
A deeply moving melodic composition expressing a reflective and profound Lenten mood, this arrangement of the classical hymn tune is by John Carter.
Composer: Cruger, J. Arranger: Carter, J. Octaves: 3 Level: 2 Publisher: Jeffers Publishing Rating: Easy Medium
The tune HERZLIEBSTER JESU is imaginatively set for the level II choir.
Composer: Cruger, J. Arranger: Kellermeyer, D. Octaves: 4 Level: 1 Publisher: High Meadow Music Publishing Rating: Easy
It is rare to find an arrangement that will work for 2, 3 or 4 octaves, but this setting of the hymn tune Herzliebster Jesu does just that.
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Wagner, H. D. Octaves: 2-4 Level: 2 Publisher: Jeffers Publishing Rating: Easy Medium
A random ring on upper treble notes, performed by randomly striking suspended bells with mallets, opens this setting of Johann Cruger's original work.
Composer: Cruger, J. Arranger: Stephenson, V. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 4 Publisher: Red River Music Rating: Medium Advance
A particularly nice section of running staccato notes in the lower registers and melody on chimes (optional 2 octaves) in the mid register are both found in this setting based on HERZLIEBSTER JESU.
Composer: Arranger: Moklebust, C. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3 Publisher: Morning Star Music Publishers Rating: Medium
One of the all-time best-selling titles in the catalog reaches an even wider market in this expanded new edition.
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Hungerford, Susan Ullom Octaves: 3-5 Level: 2 Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy Medium
Philip Roberts has arranged HERZLIEBSTER JESU for groups with 3 octaves of handbells who also have 3 to 4 octaves of chimes.
Composer: Cruger, Johann Arranger: Roberts, Philip L. Octaves: 3 Level: 2+ Publisher: G.I.A. Publications, Inc. Rating: Easy Medium
This setting of Johan Cruger's famous tune separates the verses into distinct variations, changing moods through the use of tempo, meter, and dynamic changes as it portrays the many aspects of Christ's death on the cross.
Composer: Cruger, Johann Arranger: Guebert, Alex Octaves: 5-6 Level: 4 Publisher: National Handbell Music Rating: Medium Advance
Lush harmonies dominate this beautiful arrangement of a familiar Lenten hymn.
Composer: Cruger, Johann Arranger: Larson, Lloyd Octaves: 3-5 Level: 2 Publisher: Beckenhorst Press, Inc. Rating: Easy Medium
This expressive arrangement of the hymn tune HERZLIEBSTER JESU offers a beautifully crafted melody line that makes an appearance in each register throughout the piece, ensuring an equally enjoyable ringing experience for everyone in your choir.
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Moats, William Octaves: 3-5 Level: 2 Publisher: SoundForth Publications / Lorenz Co. Rating: Easy
With minimal bell changes, this straightforward arrangement lends itself to success in just a few rehearsals. This is the perfect addition to your Lenten and Holy Week observances.
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Osman, Terry Octaves: 2-3 Level: 2 Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy Medium
Brian has arranged this moving work by composer, Johann Cruger, for handbell solo with piano accompaniment.
Composer: Cruger, Johann Arranger: Tervo, Brian Octaves: 4 Level: NA Publisher: From the Top Music Rating: Medium
A haunting and mysterious opening – provided by singing bell, bass chimes, and suspended bells played with mallets – gives way to a delicate verse of the hymn tune HERZLIEBSTER JESU.
Composer: Cruger, Johann Arranger: Austin, Brenda E. Octaves: 3-6 Level: 3- Publisher: Beckenhorst Press, Inc. Rating: Medium
Master composer Sandra Eithun brings us this haunting, reflective setting of two well-known hymn tunes that will enhance any Lenten or Holy Week worship service. Your ensemble will be able to display a wide range of dynamics as well as beautiful legato ringing.
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Eithun, Sandra Octaves: 3-6 Level: 2+ Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy Medium
Doug Wagner’s plaintive setting of the familiar Lenten tune “Herzliebster Jesu” maintains the melody in the top voice throughout, with flowing eighth notes and supportive harmony layered beneath.
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E. Octaves: 2-3 Level: 2 Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy Medium
The Lutheran passion hymn tune HERZLIEBSTER JESU was written in 1630 and has been arranged by many classical composers including J.S. Bach, Johannes Brahms and more. It appears in many hymnals today. This is a straight-forward Level 2 setting for handbell ensembles of 8 ringers using 2 bells each.
Composer: Cruger, Johann Arranger: Ashley, Linda Octaves: 3 Level: 2 Publisher: From the Top Music Rating: Easy
The Lutheran passion hymn tune HERZLIEBSTER JESU was written in 1630 and has been arranged by many classical composers including J.S. Bach, Johannes Brahms and more. It appears in many hymnals today. This is a straight-forward Level 2 setting for handbell quintet.
For your services in Lent comes this melancholy, haunting arrangement of the hymntune HERZLIEBSTER JESU.
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Krug, Jason W. Octaves: 3 Level: NA Publisher: Grassy Meadow Music Rating: Medium
This ancient hymn tune is simply set here for the smaller choir. Very accessible, but beautiful in its simplicity.
Composer: Cruger, Johann Arranger: Compton, Matthew Octaves: 2-3 Level: 1 Publisher: Hope Publishing Co. Rating: Easy
This contemplative setting of HERZLIEBSTER JESU is accessible and compelling for quiet moments in the season of Lent and beyond.
Composer: Cruger, Johann Arranger: Mazzatenta, Michael Octaves: 3-5 Level: 2 Publisher: Jubilate Music Group Rating: Easy
This delicate setting of HERZLIEBSTER JESU is perfect for any Sunday during Lent, or a special service on Maundy Thursday or Good Friday. Written for eight handbells between F5 and F6 with no bell changes, it can be played by anywhere from two players using four-in-hand up to four players each holding two bells.
Composer: Hymn Tune Arranger: Krug, Jason W. Octaves: 2 Level: 2+ Publisher: Grassy Meadow Music Rating: Easy Medium
A delicate and exposed opening gives way to a more chordal setting of the tune HERZLIEBSTER JESU in this arrangement by Jason Krug. Fresh harmonies abound as the piece builds toward a majestic climax before once more ending on a delicate note.
Composer: Cruger, Johann Arranger: Krug, Jason W. Octaves: 3-6 Level: 3- Publisher: Beckenhorst Press, Inc. Rating: Easy Medium
Winner of the Solo/Ensemble category of the 2005 Composition Contest sponsored by the Alberta Guild of English Handbell Ringers.
Composer: Flotow, F. von Arranger: Merrett, Fred A. Octaves: 3 Level: NA Publisher: From the Top Music Rating: Easy Medium
With two ringers malleting the rhythmic bass line and two ringers accomplishing the melody with four-in-hand skills, this exuberant spiritual is definitely fun to ring.
Composer: Spiritual Arranger: Sylvester, Susan Octaves: 3 Level: NA Publisher: From the Top Music Rating: Medium
Master arranger Kevin McChesney uses the technique of word-painting in his setting of “Ain’t-a That Good News”. This joyful selection is sure to be a hit with ringers and listeners alike.
Composer: Traditional Spiritual Arranger: McChesney, Kevin Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3 Publisher: Alfred Handbell / Jubilate Music Group Rating: Medium
This swinging setting of the well-known spiritual is inspiring! Bright, rhythmic, and just fun to play, the arrangement offers three contrasting styles to challenge your ringers.
Composer: Traditional Spiritual Arranger: Krug, Jason Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3+ Publisher: SoundForth Publications / Lorenz Co. Rating: Medium
Mallets on tabled bells are the order ot the day in this setting of the American spiritual. Plenty of eighty-quarter-eighth rhythm will keep your ringers counting and enjoying the lively beat. Some chromatic movement will present bell changing challenges for level 2 choirs. 53 measures in length.
Composer: Spiritual Arranger: Young, Philip M. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3- Publisher: Shawnee Press, Inc. Rating: Medium
This transcription for twelve bells and piano retains all the excitement and joy of the full choir version! It is playable by three to six ringers.
Composer: Traditional Spiritual Arranger: McChesney, Kevin Octaves: 3 Level: 2 Publisher: Jubilate Music Group Rating: Easy
Jeffers Publications’ Handbells ROCK series goes Motown with this timeless classic made popular by both Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell and The Supremes.
Composer: Ashford, Nicholas and Simpson, Valerie Arranger: Mallory, Ron Octaves: 3-5 Level: 4 Publisher: Jeffers Publishing Rating: Medium Advance
This piece is very good for a 3 octave choir and even better with a 4-5 choir.
Composer: Bach, J. S. Arranger: Hopson, H. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3 Publisher: Hope Publishing Co. Rating: Medium
This simple arrangement of an original tune sounds like a folk melody. A flute or recorder may be used to add variety.
Composer: Nelson, S. Arranger: Octaves: 3 Level: 2 Publisher: Jeffers Publishing Rating: Easy Medium
Johann Sebastian Bach's "Air from Suite No. 3 in D major" BWV 1068, is set here in three staves with corresponding ringer parts 1, 2 & 3, 4 & 5.
Composer: Bach, J. S. Arranger: Patterson, J. Octaves: 5 Level: NA Publisher: National Handbell Music Rating: Medium
Optional handchimes present a creative enhancement for the familiar composition by J.S. Bach.
Composer: Bach, Johann Sebastian Arranger: Stephenson, Valerie W. Octaves: 5 Level: 5 Publisher: From the Top Music Rating: Advance
An exceptional handbell quartet arrangement of the stately composition, "Air from Water Music" is appropriate for church services, weddings, any solemn ceremony or concert presentation.
Composer: Handel, George Frideric Arranger: Sylvester, Susan T. Octaves: 3 Level: NA Publisher: From the Top Music Rating: Medium Advance
This familiar "Air" by J.S. Bach is arranged by Victor Gumma for 3 octaves of handbells, plus an optional G3.
Composer: Bach, Johann Sebastian Arranger: Gumma, Victor L. Octaves: 3 Level: NA Publisher: Psaltery Music Publications Rating: Easy Medium
This piece is also available for 2 octave handbell choir, NAHB232. The music is built around a 2 measure passacaglia in both pieces.
Composer: Wagner, D. Arranger: Octaves: 2 Level: NA Publisher: National Handbell Music Rating: Easy
There is an arrangement for handbell choir of the same title in a trio (HB231). The music for the air is built around a two measure passacaglia. The music for the dance is in 3/4 and is waltz-like.
This original composition by Sondra Tucker is a winner of the 2021 Into the Forest Bell Tree Composition Contest. It is written to be played using one set of handbells and one set of handchimes, with no duplicate bells needed for the bell tree part. Also available for bell tree solo with piano accompaniment (item # MNMHB674)
Composer: Tucker, Sondra K. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3 Publisher: National Handbell Music Rating: Medium
Originally written for bell tree and full handbell choir (item # MNMHB673), this award-winning piece by Sondra Tucker has been re-imagined as a bell tree solo with piano.
Composer: Tucker, Sondra K. Octaves: 3 Level: NA Publisher: National Handbell Music Rating: Medium Advance
Noted conductor William Mathis has arranged Handel's wonderful theme and variations, known as "The Harmonious Blacksmith" from Suite Number 5, for handbell choir.
Composer: Handel, George Frideric Arranger: Mathis, William H. Octaves: 4-6 Level: 5 Publisher: AGEHR Publishing Rating: Advance
Combining rung and malleted bells, this trio of J.S. Bach's Air from Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D Major requires 4 octaves of bells and may be rung by a full bell choir as well as a trio.
Composer: Bach, Johann Sebastian Arranger: Afdahl, Lee J. Octaves: 4 Level: 2 Publisher: High Meadow Music Publishing Rating: Medium
This piece is a versatile arrangement of a familiar tune. It is written on 3 staves, one treble and 2 bass. Play the bottom bass line with a string bass, electric bass, synthesizer or handbells on the table with mallets.
Composer: Bach, Johann S. Arranger: Barrow, Edward A. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3 Publisher: AGEHR Publishing Rating: Medium
This is a simple yet effective arrangement. It is written in 4/4 and is of a fairly thin texture.
Composer: Bach, J. S. Arranger: Tipton, N. Octaves: 3 Level: NA Publisher: SoundForth Publications / Lorenz Co. Rating: Easy Medium
This piece is convincingly arranged for bells and could be used for a service of worship, a concert or perhaps a wedding.
Composer: Handel, G. F. Arranger: McChesney, K. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 4 Publisher: Thorpe Music Publishing Co. Rating: Medium
Printed in a non-traditional 4-staff format, Air in D is a creative setting of a J. S. Bach instrumental favorite.
Composer: Bach, Johann Sebastian Arranger: Mathis, William Octaves: 3-6 Level: 3 Publisher: Choristers Guild Rating: Medium
This is an arrangement of the Bach "Air" that is popular as an organ or instrumental selection. The arranger suggests that the piece be played "slowly with expression."
Composer: Bach, J. S. Arranger: Alberty, Craig Octaves: 4 Level: NA Publisher: Twin Elm Publishing Rating: Medium
Bach's beloved composition from the Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D comes alive on handbells. Plucked staccato notes conjure up the image of a harpsichord accompaniment.
Composer: Bach, J. S. Arranger: Larson, L. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3 Publisher: Beckenhorst Press, Inc. Rating: Medium
This well-known Bach aria, often called Air on the G string, has been arranged for a 3 octave set of handbells. It is equally charming played on handchimes.
Composer: Bach, Johann Sebastian Arranger: Brett, Russell Octaves: 3 Level: 3 Publisher: RpB Music Rating: Medium
Linda Lamb has expertly combined this John B. Dykes hymn tune with J.S. Bach’s "Air from Orchestral Suite No. 3". Ringers and audiences alike will enjoy the combination of these two familiar melodies.
Composer: Various Arranger: Lamb, Linda Octaves: 2-3 Level: 2+ Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy Medium
With the opening tempo marking, "As quickly as practical", one gets an idea that this original composition is feisty! Throw in the numerous articulations, special effects, chromatic lines, and spunky rhythms; and there is no room for doubt!
Composer: Allen, Paul W. Octaves: 5 Level: 4 Publisher: High Meadow Music Publishing Rating: Medium Advance
This is Rett Richards' first published handbell piece. He is a former elementary music teacher and now works as a music editor for GIA. Rett crafted this Japanese children’s song, Aka Tombo (Red Dragonfly) for developing ringers.
Composer: Japanese Children's Song Arranger: Richards, Rett Octaves: 3 Level: 2+ Publisher: G.I.A. Publications, Inc. Rating: Easy Medium
Three fun tunes are included in this medley: "Alabama Jubilee, Stars Fell On Alabama, and Tuxedo Junction". Arranger Valerie W. Stephenson applies her usual creative techniques to achieve the character of each tune.
Composer: Various Arranger: Stephenson, V. Octaves: 3-6 Level: 3+ Publisher: Warner Brothers Publications / Jubilate Music Group Rating: Medium
This piece is a delightful arrangement by Jeffrey Honoré of Manuel José Alonso and José Pagán's popular praise and adoration tune ALABARÉ for 3 or 5 octave handbells with optional percussion (shakers, hand drum, and wood block).
Composer: Various Arranger: Honore, Jeffrey Octaves: 3 or 5 Level: 3 Publisher: Concordia Publishing House Rating: Medium
This title includes 3 delightful tunes: "Prince Ali", "Friend Like Me" and "A Whole New World."
Composer: Menken Arranger: Wagner, D. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 4 Publisher: Hope Publishing Co. Rating: Medium Advance
Scored for Wind Ensemble with optional 5-7 octave handbells, The Alamo consists of 3 movements: "Ole' Dan Tucker Hoedown", "The Battle", and "In Memoriam".
Composer: Childers, Brian Octaves: 5-7 Level: 4 Publisher: Bellissimo Publications Rating: Medium Advance
Based on a traditional Spanish carol, the wonderful melody is placed in different voices. Peaceful and flowing, it is 82 measures.
Composer: Arranger: Gramann, F. Octaves: 3-5 Level: NA Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy Medium
The delightful, traditional Spanish carol is here marked "crisply" and begins with a mart-lift and a shake to get the listener's attention.
Composer: Traditional Spanish carol Arranger: Kellermeyer, David M. Octaves: 3 Level: 2 Publisher: High Meadow Music Publishing Rating: Easy Medium
A popular Spanish carol transports the listener to the cradle in Bethlehem, singing quiet lullabies with the angels to the sleeping Child.
Composer: Traditional Spanish Carol Arranger: Gramann, Fred Octaves: 2-3 Level: 2 Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy Medium
Sondra Tucker enhances the Latin rhythms of this traditional South American Christmas Carol via gentle martellatos and ornamental lines in thirds, reminding us of a bright but quiet trumpet duet in a Mariachi band.
Composer: Traditional Spanish Carol Arranger: Tucker, Sondra Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3 Publisher: Morning Star Music Publishers Rating: Medium
Written for the Basilica Church of St. Adalbert, this original work is in 3/4 meter with a melody characterized by a dotted-quarter, eighth-note rhythm in a major key.
Composer: Hoopingarner, D. Arranger: Octaves: 3 Level: 2+ Publisher: Lake State Publications Rating: Easy Medium
This Hispanic folk tune is set for 3-5 octaves with optional guitar. The guitarist has the option of playing by chord symbols that are set in the score or by notes on a separate score in the back of the selection.
Composer: Arranger: McFadden, J. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3 Publisher: AGEHR Publishing Rating: Medium
Beautiful harmonies prevail in this reflective arrangement of the time-honored Lenten hymn.
Composer: Wilson, Hugh Arranger: Bettcher, Peggy Octaves: 3-5 Level: 2+ Publisher: Hope Publishing Co. Rating: Easy Medium
This beautiful and thoughtful setting starts simply, builds to a triumphal climax, and closes in quiet reflection.
Composer: Wilson, Hugh Arranger: Mazzatenta, Michael Octaves: 3-5 Level: 2 Publisher: SoundForth Publications / Lorenz Co. Rating: Easy Medium
The plaintive melody of this arrangement sits atop a flowing accompaniment of either bells or chimes, symbolizing Christ's sacrifice for us.
Composer: Wilson, Hugh Arranger: Krug, Jason Octaves: 3-6 Level: 2 Publisher: SoundForth Publications / Lorenz Co. Rating: Easy Medium
This delicate setting of the hymn tune MARTYRDOM is perfect for use any time during the Lenten season. Written for eight handbells between F5 and F6 with no bell changes.
Composer: Hymn Tune Arranger: Krug, Jason W. Octaves: 2 Level: 2 Publisher: Grassy Meadow Music Rating: Easy Medium
The beautifully haunting Lenten melody of MARTYRDOM effectively uses LV, shakes, mart-lifts, and a minor-key middle verse to express different moods throughout the piece.
Composer: Wilson, Hugh Arranger: Scholes, Linda Octaves: 2-5 Level: 2 Publisher: Choristers Guild Rating: Easy
This arrangement is ideal for the "less" experienced 3 octave choir. The arrangement carries the melody in the upper, lowest and middle voices.
Composer: Mansfield Arranger: Wilson, H. Octaves: 3 Level: NA Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy Medium
"Alba", an original composition by Enrique Granados, is sub-titled "Song Without Words". Arranger Kevin McChesney uses layers of sound to bring out the Spanish flavor inherent in the melody.
Composer: Granados, E. Arranger: McChesney, K. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3 Publisher: Jeffers Publishing Rating: Medium
This title is another of Irving Berlin's show tunes now available for handbells. Cynthia Dobrinski's arrangement captures the mood of the music.
Composer: Berlin, I. Arranger: Dobrinski, C. Octaves: 3-5 Level: NA Publisher: Hope Publishing Co. Rating: Medium
This work is a collection of 8 Alfred Burt carols which are performed by handbells and/or with various vocal combinations.
Composer: Burt, A. Arranger: Ades, Hawley Octaves: 3 Level: NA Publisher: Shawnee Press, Inc. Rating: Medium
This compilation is truly an essential addition to your handbell library! Compiled by veteran handbell composer/arranger Anna Laura Page, this budget-stretching reproducible collection contains best-selling arrangements from today’s leading handbell arrangers.
Composer: Various Arranger: Various Octaves: 2-3 Level: 1+ Publisher: Alfred Handbell / Jubilate Music Group Rating: Easy
This reproducible collection of best-selling handbell pieces will be a budget-stretching addition to your handbell library. It is filled with dynamic settings from some of today’s finest handbell arrangers.
Composer: Various Arranger: Various Octaves: 2-3 Level: 2 Publisher: Alfred Handbell / Jubilate Music Group Rating: Easy
"Joy, Joy, on Christmas day, Joy, Joy!" This arrangement of a Peruvian Christmas carol is energetic, enjoyable, and bounding with up-tempo rhythms. Many of these rhythms are repeated often, making it easier to play than it sounds.
Composer: Peruvian carol Arranger: Eithun, Mitchell Octaves: 3-6 Level: 3 Publisher: Red River Music Rating: Medium
Full steam ahead! Get on board with this clever arrangement of railroad themes and spirituals. Three unique but compatible scores make this piece accessible and extremely versatile.
Composer: Various Arranger: Wissinger, Kathleen Octaves: 2-5 Level: 1+ Publisher: ringTrue Rating: Easy
The Noona name has long been associated with piano lessons and literature. Here, one of their favorite compositions is set for 4-6 octaves of bells and optional 3 octaves handchimes. The music exudes the flavor of a small-town, Fourth-of-July celebration.
Composer: Noona, Walter & Carol Arranger: Wood, William R. Octaves: 4-6 Level: 4 Publisher: AGEHR Publishing Rating: Medium Advance
This is an advanced solo which will captivate and dazzle your audience! Three pages of performance notes are most helpful.
Composer: Noona, W. & C. Arranger: Downey, E. Octaves: 4 Level: NA Publisher: AGEHR Publishing Rating: Advance
Commissioned for the 1997 Caribbean Cruise of the Bells, this sprightly medley includes the tunes "The Drunken Sailor", "A-Rovin", and "Blow the Man Down".
Composer: Various Arranger: Hascall, Nancy Octaves: 5-6 Level: 4 Publisher: Bell Canto Press Rating: Medium Advance
OLD HUNDRETH never seemed so avant-garde. Captivating ostinati are gradually layered in this lovely and unusual arrangement of "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow."
Composer: Bourgeois, Louis Arranger: Atteberry, John Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3- Publisher: G.I.A. Publications, Inc. Rating: Easy Medium
This arrangement by Joseph Martin of the traditional German melody IN DULCI JUBILO is written for 2-part mixed voices accompanied by a keyboard instrument with an optional 3-4 octave handbell part written by Karen Buckwalter.
Composer: Arranger: Martin, Joseph M./Buckwalter, Karen Lakey Octaves: 3-4 Level: 1 Publisher: Shawnee Press, Inc. Rating: Easy
This version of "All Christians Now Rejoice" is a festive arrangement of "In Dulci Jubilo" for SATB chorus, flute and handbells.
Composer: In Dulci Jubilo Arranger: Coates, J. Octaves: 4 Level: 2 Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy
Looking for that perfect ensemble piece for music dedication Sunday or other special music event? Check out this work for voices, organ, children's choir, bells, brass, and percussion! The entire text deals with "God's Music."
Composer: Cathey, Mary Jackson Arranger: Day, James R. Octaves: 3-5 Level: NA Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating:
An exhilarating handbell arrangement from a new GIA Choral Series edition, "All Creation, Wake and Sing!" (G-8291) for SATB voices and piano by Bob Moore. The handbell arrangement can be performed with the choral edition but is an exciting choice for handbells, alone.
Composer: Moore, Bob Arranger: Roberts, Phil Octaves: 5-7 Level: 4 Publisher: G.I.A. Publications, Inc. Rating: Medium Advance
Young ringers will enjoy developing special handbell techniques in this five piece suite. An arrangement of "All Things Bright and Beautiful" is followed by short, original pieces depicting ants, lions, eagles, and whales.
Composer: Arranger: Waldrop, T. Octaves: 2-3 Level: 2 Publisher: Choristers Guild Rating: Easy
The first part of this piece begins "slowly" with a syncopated melody in the upper treble clef. The last half of this arrangement of this tune ("Lasst Uns Erfreuen") keeps ringers in the treble clef busy.
Composer: Arranger: Kallman Octaves: 4 Level: NA Publisher: Bell Tower Publishing Rating: Medium
Using a 3/4 meter instead of the regular 6/4 makes this selection accessible to the beginning handbell group. 2 stanzas arranged in different keys.
Composer: Arranger: Kunda Octaves: 3 Level: NA Publisher: Light of the World Music Rating: Easy Medium
This is a 2 octave arrangement of the hymn tune which treats the first stanza chordally and the 2nd stanza contrapuntally.
Composer: Arranger: Wiltse, C. Octaves: 2 Level: NA Publisher: Stained Glass Music Co. Rating: Easy Medium
With the exception of a 2-note repeated 16th pattern, this piece is easily rung by groups with little experience because of the easy rhythmic structure.
Composer: Erfreuen Arranger: Hopson, H. Octaves: 3-4 Level: 2 Publisher: Hope Publishing Co. Rating: Easy Medium
This unaccompanied duet is ideal as a beginning piece because of the easy rhythms.
Composer: Lasst Uns Erfreuen Arranger: Thompson, D. Octaves: 2 Level: NA Publisher: National Handbell Music Rating: Easy
Excitement at the beginning is created with the martellato technique. It is peppered with much dynamic variation and it uses 4 meter instead of the accustomed 3.
Composer: Erfreuen Arranger: Dobrinski, C. Octaves: 3-5 Level: NA Publisher: Hope Publishing Co. Rating: Easy Medium
Interesting arrangements for beginning ringers are found in this Ardis Freeman handbell library. "All Creatures of Our God and King" provides a good challenge for reading fourth octave notes, counting in 3/2 time and clean damping in the rests.
Composer: Kirchengesaeng Arranger: Maggs, C. Octaves: 3-4 Level: 1+ Publisher: Genesis Press Rating: Easy Medium
Medium/Difficult is the rating for this quartet of the favorite hymn tune. Extensive performance notes are written right into the score.
Composer: Kirchengesaeng Arranger: Maggs, C. Octaves: 3-4 Level: NA Publisher: Cantabile Press Rating: Medium Advance
A short, ethereal introduction leads into a straight-forward setting of LASST UNS ERFREUEN. After a key change the music is peppered with staccato and martellato accompaniment.
Composer: Lasst Uns Erfreuen Arranger: Stephenson, V. Octaves: 3-6 Level: 3+ Publisher: Concordia Publishing House Rating: Medium
Bouncy, syncopated rhythms executed by mallets on tabled bells form the support fabric for the hymn melody taken from Geistliche Kirchengesange.
Composer: Kirchengesange Arranger: Eithun, S. Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3 Publisher: Red River Music Rating: Medium
Five sections of differing tempo are scored in this arrangement of the joyful German hymn GEISTLICHE KIRCHENGESANG.
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Roberts, Philip Octaves: 3-6 Level: 3+ Publisher: Ring Out Press Rating: Medium
9 - 16 bells, ranging from E flat 5 to G6 (G7), add optional accompaniment to this celebratory SATB anthem arrangement of LASST UNS ERFREUEN. A reproducible, one-page bell score is available under separate cover (along with 2 Bb trumpets, 2 trombones, and timpani, all of which are not reproducible).
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Spevacek (Avery), Linda Octaves: 2 or 4 Level: NA Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating:
A bell-peal figure opens and continues through this light and airy rendition of the standard hymn. Various techniques, such as mallets, LV, and thumb damps, are scored to add color. A later passage finds the melody doubled in the lower chimes with an undulating accompaniment motif above. Arranged in C Major, this spirited piece is 76 measures.
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Lamb, Linda R. Octaves: 3 or 5 Level: 2 Publisher: Beckenhorst Press, Inc. Rating: Easy Medium
This piece presents an exciting challenge for your level two choir even though there are no bell changes.
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Endean, Judy Octaves: 2 Level: 2 Publisher: SoundForth Publications / Lorenz Co. Rating: Easy Medium
Beginning with a single fragment of the melody and a faint echo of Alleluia, the work builds through two modulations to a glorious finale set to enliven and inspire the spirit of worship in the hearts of your congregation.
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Ryan, Michael Octaves: 2-3 Level: 2 Publisher: Lorenz Corp. Rating: Easy Medium
Commissioned by AGEHR Area VII to honor past President Al Marquardt, this powerful festival setting of the hymn LASST UNS ERFREUEN is great for Easter or any other Sunday.
Composer: Hymn Tune Arranger: Behnke, John A. Octaves: 3-6 Level: 3 Publisher: AGEHR Publishing Rating: Medium
This arrangement of the wonderful hymn "All Creatures of Our God and King" is suitable for choirs of any voicing, including combined choir occasions.
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Tucker, Margaret Octaves: 2 Level: NA Publisher: Choristers Guild Rating:
This hymn arrangement begins with octaves and chords marching in quarter notes in 6/4 meter.
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Harris, J.C. & J.I. Octaves: 4-5 Level: 3 Publisher: Flagstaff Publishing Rating: Medium
A jubilant anthem of praise is made even more joyful in this mostly-malleted arrangement from Linda Lamb.
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Lamb, Linda Octaves: 2 Level: 1+ Publisher: Hope Publishing Co. Rating: Easy
Who would have ever thought that this great hymn could be effectively set as a Level 1 in 4/4 time? Bill Ingram's majestic arrangement does just that and makes this great praise hymn available to beginning ensembles.
Composer: Williams, Ralph Vaughan Arranger: Ingram, Bill Octaves: 2-3 Level: 1 Publisher: Composers Music Co. Rating: Easy
This playful setting of a well-known tune will provide an extra bit of pizazz for worship and bring a smile to listeners’ faces.
Composer: Traditional Arranger: Krug, Jason Octaves: 3-5 Level: 3 Publisher: Beckenhorst Press, Inc. Rating: Medium