Your #1 source for Handbell & Handchime Sheet Music.
Choristers Guild - Spring 2025 Jeffers Publishing - Winter & Spring 2025 Ring Out! Press - Winter & Spring 2025 Notebooks Lights Risers & Stands Mallets Foam Digital Music

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NA 4-
1 4
1+ 4+
2- 5-
2 5
2+ 5+
3- 6-
3 6
3+ 6+


Easy Medium
Medium Advance


All Saints/Souls Day
All Year
Holy Week
Palm Sunday

Less Than

4-in-hand ensemble
C. Anderson's "4-in-Hand"
Solo Ringer


2 Handbell Choirs
3 Handbell Choirs
Accompaniment for Cong. Singing
All Malleted
American Indian titles
Antiphonal Music
Arranged more than once, same key
Beginning Music-"Very, Very Easy"
Beginning Music - step 2, "Very Easy"
Beginning Music - step 3, "Easy"
Beginning Ringer Books
Bell Tree
Broadway "show" Tunes
Change Ringing
Church or Concert
Classical Composers
Classical Music
Compact Disc
Contemporary Christian
Director's Manuals
Disney Tunes
Folk Music
Full Score
Hope and Rememberance
Hymn Tune
Instrument Part
International Music
Intrepretive Movement
Irish Titles
Large Notes (Print)
Marching Choir
Memorial Service
Movie titles
Musical - Not Broadway
Music Drama
Opera titles
Original Composition
Praise and Worship
Rock & Pop Music
Service Music (Responses, etc)
Set of 6
Set of 8
Sing and Ring
Speech Choir
Text with Music
Titles using 12 Bells
Treble Clef Only


BD (Brush Damp)
CD (Controlled Diminuendo)
Damp Sign
Hand Martellato
HD (Hand Damp)
LV (Let Vibrate)
Mallet Click
Mallet Lift
Mallet Roll
Martellato Lift
Muted Martellato
No Special Technique, may go well with chimes
Pl (Pluck)
Pluck Lift
Rim Brush
Rolled Chord
RT (Ring Touch)
SB (Singing Bell or Bowl)
Selective Damp
Sk (Shake)
Sw (Swing)
TD (Thumb Damp)
TLD (Table Land Damp)
TPl (Tap Pluck)
tr (Trill)
vib. (Vibrato)


2 part & congregation
2-Part Mixed
2-Part (SA or TB)
2 Vocal Choirs
3 choirs
3 part
Cantata (SAB)
Cantata (SATB)
Chimes only
Handbells, No Choral
Multiple voicings
SA (2 part)
SATB & Youth Choir
Treble Clef Only
Unison/2 part cantata
Unison & Cantor
Unison & SATB


Band/Concert Band
Bb Instrument
Bell Tree
Brass Ensemble
Chimes(Choirchimes or Handchimes)
C Instrument
Full Orchestra
Handbells OR Chimes
Handbells & Voices
Horns in F
Kidsplay Bells
Mark Tree
Multiple Instruments
Praise Band
String Bass
Tubular Chimes
Vocal Solo


12 Bells in F
(Ring Out Press)
12 Bells Series
(Hope Publishing)
(Ring Out Press)
Alpha Series
(Ringing Word Publications)
Basic Training for Bells
(Choristers Guild)
Bay View Week of Handbells
(Choristers Guild)
Beginning Handbells for Children
(Your Song Press)
Begin to Ring
(Hope Publishing)
Bells N Boomwhackers
(Bellissimo Publications)
Best of Agape
(Hope Publishing)
Best of Ring and Rejoice
(Lorenz Corp)
Building Blocks - Workshop and Class Notes
(ringTrue )
Busy Ringer Series
(AGEHR Publishing)
CG Digital Resources - Solo or Sm Ens
(Choristers Guild)
Chime In
(AGEHR Publishing)
Chord Stories
Christmas Carol Accompaniments
(Choristers Guild)
Clapper Classics
(Hope Publishing)
Classical Masters Series
(C.A.N. Enterprises)
Classic Gospel Songs
(C.A.N. Enterprises)
Class ring
Color Chorded Series by Lauran Delancy
(Headless Mallets Publishing)
Community Ensemble Series
(Choristers Guild)
Concert Showstoppers
(Choristers Guild)
Conducting Choirs
(Lorenz Publishing)
Distinctly Bronze Series
(AGEHR Publishing)
Down Memory Lane
(Jeffers Handbell Supply)
Easy Favorites for the Handbell Soloist
(Choristers Guild)
Easy to Ring
(Hope Publishing)
Eight Favorite Hymns for Twelve Bells
(Concordia Publishing House)
Essential Classics
(Hope Publishing)
E-Z Reader
(Lorenz Corp)
Favorites for Eight Bells
(Casa Publications)
First String
Five By Five
(Hope Publishing)
Five Easy
(Hope Publishing)
Five or Less
(Lorenz Corp)
Flexible Favorites
(Choristers Guild)
Four By Four with Piano
(Augsburg Fortress)
Four Ringer Handbell Collections
(James Kimball)
Handbell Hymns
(Lorenz Corp)
Handbells Are a Handful of Fun
(High Meadow Music)
Handbells Rock
(Jeffers Handbell Supply)
Hand-In-Glove Music for Handbell Ensemble
(High Meadow Music)
Heavenly Hymn Series
(From the Top Music)
Hymn Enhancement Series
(Lorenz Corp)
Hymns and Handbells
(Hope Publishing)
Hymns For Handbells
(GIA Publications)
Hymns of Joy and Praise
(Hope Publishing)
(AGEHR Publishing)
Jubilate Handbell Chamber Music
(Jubilate Music Group)
Keep It Simple
(Hope Publishing)
Kidsplay® Music for Handbells and Deskbells
KidzRing Music for 8-20 Note Instruments
(Four Tolled Publishing)
Learning to Ring
(Lorenz Corp)
Less Than a Full Choir
(Cantabile Press)
Let Praises Ring
(MorningStar Music Publishers)
Let's All Ring
(Beckenhorst Press)
Level 1 Ringer
(Lorenz Corp)
Little Gems
Master Ringer Series
(Choristers Guild)
(C.A.N. Enterprises)
Music for Twelve Handbells
(Beckenhorst Press)
Only One - Music for One Octave of Bells
(Lebanon Publishing)
Pathways to Musical Ringing
(Choristers Guild)
Porta Bell System of Caroling
(Robert Groth Publications)
Porta Four Series
(Robert Groth Publications)
Processionals for the Time
(Concordia Publishing House)
Raleigh Ringer Series
(Jeffers Handbell Supply)
Ready to Ring
(Hope Publishing)
Red River Gold
(Red River Music)
Reproducible Rings
(Hope Publishing)
Resounding Faith Series
(GIA Pubications)
Ring Along Series
(Cantabile Press)
Ring and Rejoice Digital
(Lorenz Corp)
Ring Around the World
(Choristers Guild)
(Ring Out Press)
Ring By Color
(Jeffers Handbell Supply)
Ring Eight
(Concordia Publishing House)
Ring For Joy
(Lorenz Corp)
Ringing Basics
(Shawnee Press)
Ringing Spirit
(Choristers Guild)
Ringing With Keys
(Hope Publishing)
Ring More with Less
(Choristers Guild)
Ring Together
(Jeffers Handbell Supply)
Ring With 6
(From the Top Music)
Ring With 6
(Hope Publishing)
Sing Along Series
(Cantabile Press)
Sing & Ring
Small But Mighty Settings for 12 Bells
(Hope Publishing)
Smaller But Mighty Settings for 8 Bells
(Hope Publishing)
Solo Time
Split Level Series
Susan Geschke's Two Octave Gems
(Hope Publishing)
Suzuki Tonechimes Method Books
(Suzuki Corp)
The Beginning Ringers Series
(Alfred Handbell)
The Legacy Series
(Beckenhorst Press)
Three To Ring
(Ringing Word Publications)
Time to Ring
(Hope Publishing)
True Music
True Music, Encore!!
Twelve Toners System for Chimes & Bells
(Delores Anderson)
Warner Bell Pops
(Alfred Handbell)

You're Worthy of My Praise

Bring out your mallets for this exciting piece!

Composer: Ruis, D.
Arranger: Bettcher, P.
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 3-
Publisher: Hope Publishing Co.
Rating: Medium

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This music is being licensed for use by the purchaser. You may use this file to print as many copies as are needed. It may also be used on digital devices controlled by the purchaser. You may not sell, transfer, rent, lease, redistribute or sub-license this product. Doing so will result in the revocation of the license.

The control numbers and other information contained in the file must appear on all printed and digital copies. Tampering with the file or changing the file information will result in the revocation of the license.
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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHP2282 3-5 oct HB $7.00  

Your Spirit God Moves Us to Pray

"Your Spirit, God, moves us to pray for children in the world today" so begins the text fo this anthem, which incorporates an optional bell score for 17 bells from C5 to G6. A quarter-note rhythm is the norm, with some accidentals that will require bell changes. Other features of the anthem include an optional descant and congregation.

Composer: Horman, J.
Octaves: 2
Level: 2+
Publisher: Thorpe Music Publishing Co.
Rating: Easy Medium

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MTP71240025 Unison Treble/SATB/Optional Descant/Congregation/Keyboard/HB or Chimes $1.50  

Your Statues are My Heritage

The text is from Psalm 119:89-93 and the antiphon is Psalm 119:111. This piece is useful for confirmation, Reformation, or general use.

Composer: Geischen
Octaves: 2
Level: 1
Publisher: Concordia Publishing House
Rating: Easy

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MCO982788 Unison/2 pt $1.50  

You Shall Have a Song

An original melody that emboldens the spirit, this gentle and beautiful work is ideal for preludes and offertories.

Composer: Clemmitt, Richard
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 2
Publisher: G.I.A. Publications, Inc.
Rating: Easy Medium

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This Sheet Music Title has Digital Direct Sheet Music℠ avaiable.
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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MGIG8363 3 or 5 Octave Handbells. $5.25  

You've Got a Friend In Me

The beloved classic from the ever-popular movie Toy Story comes to handbells in this sparkling arrangement by Bob Burroughs. There is plenty of action for all ringers, and it might take a little extra work, but it will be well worth it when you delight the audience at your next concert.

Composer: Newman, Randy
Arranger: Burroughs, Bob
Octaves: 5
Level: 4-
Publisher: Red River Music
Rating: Medium Advance

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This Sheet Music Title has Digital Direct Sheet Music℠ avaiable.
For more information please click here for the Digital Direct FAQ page.
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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRRG5020 5 Oct HB $4.95  
DRRG5020 Digital Direct.. $4.95  

You Will Draw Water

"You Will Draw Water" is a canticle for cantor, congregation, handbells (6 bells used) and choir ad lib. This work would be an excellent fit for liturgical congretations especially.

Composer: Batastini, R.
Octaves: 2
Level: NA
Publisher: G.I.A. Publications, Inc.
Rating: Easy

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MGIG2443 Cantor/HB/Congregation $3.50  

Yugoslav Folk Song

There are delightful contrasts of mood and tempo in this folk song arrangement for bells.

Composer: Yugoslav
Arranger: Merrett, Fred A.
Octaves: 2
Level: 3
Publisher: Flagstaff Publishing
Rating: Medium

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This music is being licensed for use by the purchaser. You may use this file to print as many copies as are needed. It may also be used on digital devices controlled by the purchaser. You may not sell, transfer, rent, lease, redistribute or sub-license this product. Doing so will result in the revocation of the license.

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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MFLHB276 $4.00  

Yuletide Celebration, A

A fun time is in store for quartets who ring this medley of "Deck the Halls, Jingle Bells, Jolly Old St. Nicholas" and "Up on the Housetop". This is a nice, clean score with performance notes written into the music.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Helman, M.
Octaves: 3
Level: NA
Publisher: AGEHR Publishing
Rating: Easy Medium

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This Sheet Music Title has Digital Direct Sheet Music℠ avaiable.
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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MAGSE13 $4.95  

Yuletide Joy Medley

Celebrate the Christmas season with this rhythmic and happy medley of "Jingle Bells," "Deck the Halls," and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas."

Composer: Various
Arranger: Morris, H.
Octaves: 3-4
Level: 3
Publisher: Ringing Word Publications
Rating: Medium

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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRW8067 $4.50  

Yuletide Medley

Have fun ringing this medley of "Up on the Housetop, Deck the Halls, Jolly Old St. Nicholas, Here We Come A-Wassailing." This piece is ideal for fellowship, mall concerts, etc.

Composer: Various
Arranger: McKlveen, P.
Octaves: 2-3
Level: 2
Publisher: Jeffers Publishing
Rating: Easy

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The control numbers and other information contained in the file must appear on all printed and digital copies. Tampering with the file or changing the file information will result in the revocation of the license.
Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MJHS9129 $4.50  


Lively mallets and thumb damps bring to life the delightful traditional children's song about Zacchaeus, the man who climbed up into the sycamore tree.

Composer: Traditional
Arranger: Eithun, Sandra
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 2
Publisher: Choristers Guild
Rating: Easy

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This Sheet Music Title has Digital Direct Sheet Music℠ avaiable.
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MCGB499 $4.95  
DCGB499 Digital Direct.. $4.95  


This popular Bible story is put to music with optional lyrics for singing along and optional percussion effects, making this great for a children's bell choir.

Composer: Thompson, Karen
Octaves: 2-3
Level: 1
Publisher: AGEHR Publishing
Rating: Easy

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This Sheet Music Title has Digital Direct Sheet Music℠ avaiable.
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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MAG23044 2 or 3 Octave Handbells or Handchimes. $4.50  


This lively original Spanish dance is super fun to play with a catchy tune that engages all of your ringers! With mallet rolls, thumb damps, and shakes, it features wonderful opportunities for handbell choreography.

Composer: Axelson, Gloria
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 3
Publisher: AGEHR Publishing
Rating: Medium

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This Sheet Music Title has Digital Direct Sheet Music℠ avaiable.
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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MAG35344 3-5 Oct HB $5.50  

Zekiel's Got Shoes

"Ezekiel Saw the Wheel" and "I Got Shoes" are skillfully arranged for show and fun! Use tap dancer or tap shoes as percussion. Techniques include SK, Mallet, TD, PL, RT.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Morris, H.
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 5+
Publisher: Hope Publishing Co.
Rating: Advance

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The control numbers and other information contained in the file must appear on all printed and digital copies. Tampering with the file or changing the file information will result in the revocation of the license.
Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHP1770 HB/Opt Tap Shoes $7.00  

Zip Zing Ring

Here is a fun, original composition tailored for the developing choir. Ringers will have a blast learning the varied stopped techniques, and audiences and congregations will be humming the tune long after the performance.

Composer: Austin, Brenda E.
Octaves: 2-5
Level: 1+
Publisher: Hope Publishing Co.
Rating: Easy

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This music is being licensed for use by the purchaser. You may use this file to print as many copies as are needed. It may also be used on digital devices controlled by the purchaser. You may not sell, transfer, rent, lease, redistribute or sub-license this product. Doing so will result in the revocation of the license.

The control numbers and other information contained in the file must appear on all printed and digital copies. Tampering with the file or changing the file information will result in the revocation of the license.
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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHP2921 2-3 oct HB with opt B3 $6.25  
MHP2923 3-5 oct HB $6.25  

Zither Carol

This delightful piece, based on a Czech Folk dance, features a Bb Clarinet with the bells. There is a surprise cadenza played by the clarinet near the end.

Arranger: Warzyn, J.
Octaves: 4
Level: NA
Publisher: Robert Groth Publications
Rating: Easy Medium

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The control numbers and other information contained in the file must appear on all printed and digital copies. Tampering with the file or changing the file information will result in the revocation of the license.
Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MGR9102C Clarinet Part Only $4.50  
MGR9102HB Handbell Part Only $4.00  
MGR9102 Music Master $19.95  


Albeniz is known for his colorful piano settings of the dances of Spain. This particular piece is especially suited for handbells.

Composer: Albeniz, Isaac
Arranger: Luethi, Gerry
Octaves: 5
Level: 5
Publisher: Flagstaff Publishing
Rating: Advance

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This music is being licensed for use by the purchaser. You may use this file to print as many copies as are needed. It may also be used on digital devices controlled by the purchaser. You may not sell, transfer, rent, lease, redistribute or sub-license this product. Doing so will result in the revocation of the license.

The control numbers and other information contained in the file must appear on all printed and digital copies. Tampering with the file or changing the file information will result in the revocation of the license.
Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MFLHB272 A Spanish Dance. $4.25  