Your #1 source for Handbell & Handchime Sheet Music.
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NA 4-
1 4
1+ 4+
2- 5-
2 5
2+ 5+
3- 6-
3 6
3+ 6+


Easy Medium
Medium Advance


All Saints/Souls Day
All Year
Holy Week
Palm Sunday

Less Than

4-in-hand ensemble
C. Anderson's "4-in-Hand"
Solo Ringer


2 Handbell Choirs
3 Handbell Choirs
Accompaniment for Cong. Singing
All Malleted
American Indian titles
Antiphonal Music
Arranged more than once, same key
Beginning Music-"Very, Very Easy"
Beginning Music - step 2, "Very Easy"
Beginning Music - step 3, "Easy"
Beginning Ringer Books
Bell Tree
Broadway "show" Tunes
Change Ringing
Church or Concert
Classical Composers
Classical Music
Compact Disc
Contemporary Christian
Director's Manuals
Disney Tunes
Folk Music
Full Score
Hope and Rememberance
Hymn Tune
Instrument Part
International Music
Intrepretive Movement
Irish Titles
Large Notes (Print)
Marching Choir
Memorial Service
Movie titles
Musical - Not Broadway
Music Drama
Opera titles
Original Composition
Praise and Worship
Rock & Pop Music
Service Music (Responses, etc)
Set of 6
Set of 8
Sing and Ring
Speech Choir
Text with Music
Titles using 12 Bells
Treble Clef Only


BD (Brush Damp)
CD (Controlled Diminuendo)
Damp Sign
Hand Martellato
HD (Hand Damp)
LV (Let Vibrate)
Mallet Click
Mallet Lift
Mallet Roll
Martellato Lift
Muted Martellato
No Special Technique, may go well with chimes
Pl (Pluck)
Pluck Lift
Rim Brush
Rolled Chord
RT (Ring Touch)
SB (Singing Bell or Bowl)
Selective Damp
Sk (Shake)
Sw (Swing)
TD (Thumb Damp)
TLD (Table Land Damp)
TPl (Tap Pluck)
tr (Trill)
vib. (Vibrato)


2 part & congregation
2-Part Mixed
2-Part (SA or TB)
2 Vocal Choirs
3 choirs
3 part
Cantata (SAB)
Cantata (SATB)
Chimes only
Handbells, No Choral
Multiple voicings
SA (2 part)
SATB & Youth Choir
Treble Clef Only
Unison/2 part cantata
Unison & Cantor
Unison & SATB


Band/Concert Band
Bb Instrument
Bell Tree
Brass Ensemble
Chimes(Choirchimes or Handchimes)
C Instrument
Full Orchestra
Handbells OR Chimes
Handbells & Voices
Horns in F
Kidsplay Bells
Mark Tree
Multiple Instruments
Praise Band
String Bass
Tubular Chimes
Vocal Solo


12 Bells in F
(Ring Out Press)
12 Bells Series
(Hope Publishing)
(Ring Out Press)
Alpha Series
(Ringing Word Publications)
Basic Training for Bells
(Choristers Guild)
Bay View Week of Handbells
(Choristers Guild)
Beginning Handbells for Children
(Your Song Press)
Begin to Ring
(Hope Publishing)
Bells N Boomwhackers
(Bellissimo Publications)
Best of Agape
(Hope Publishing)
Best of Ring and Rejoice
(Lorenz Corp)
Building Blocks - Workshop and Class Notes
(ringTrue )
Busy Ringer Series
(AGEHR Publishing)
CG Digital Resources - Solo or Sm Ens
(Choristers Guild)
Chime In
(AGEHR Publishing)
Chord Stories
Christmas Carol Accompaniments
(Choristers Guild)
Clapper Classics
(Hope Publishing)
Classical Masters Series
(C.A.N. Enterprises)
Classic Gospel Songs
(C.A.N. Enterprises)
Class ring
Color Chorded Series by Lauran Delancy
(Headless Mallets Publishing)
Community Ensemble Series
(Choristers Guild)
Concert Showstoppers
(Choristers Guild)
Conducting Choirs
(Lorenz Publishing)
Distinctly Bronze Series
(AGEHR Publishing)
Down Memory Lane
(Jeffers Handbell Supply)
Easy Favorites for the Handbell Soloist
(Choristers Guild)
Easy to Ring
(Hope Publishing)
Eight Favorite Hymns for Twelve Bells
(Concordia Publishing House)
Essential Classics
(Hope Publishing)
E-Z Reader
(Lorenz Corp)
Favorites for Eight Bells
(Casa Publications)
First String
Five By Five
(Hope Publishing)
Five Easy
(Hope Publishing)
Five or Less
(Lorenz Corp)
Flexible Favorites
(Choristers Guild)
Four By Four with Piano
(Augsburg Fortress)
Four Ringer Handbell Collections
(James Kimball)
Handbell Hymns
(Lorenz Corp)
Handbells Are a Handful of Fun
(High Meadow Music)
Handbells Rock
(Jeffers Handbell Supply)
Hand-In-Glove Music for Handbell Ensemble
(High Meadow Music)
Heavenly Hymn Series
(From the Top Music)
Hymn Enhancement Series
(Lorenz Corp)
Hymns and Handbells
(Hope Publishing)
Hymns For Handbells
(GIA Publications)
Hymns of Joy and Praise
(Hope Publishing)
(AGEHR Publishing)
Jubilate Handbell Chamber Music
(Jubilate Music Group)
Keep It Simple
(Hope Publishing)
Kidsplay® Music for Handbells and Deskbells
KidzRing Music for 8-20 Note Instruments
(Four Tolled Publishing)
Learning to Ring
(Lorenz Corp)
Less Than a Full Choir
(Cantabile Press)
Let Praises Ring
(MorningStar Music Publishers)
Let's All Ring
(Beckenhorst Press)
Level 1 Ringer
(Lorenz Corp)
Little Gems
Master Ringer Series
(Choristers Guild)
(C.A.N. Enterprises)
Music for Twelve Handbells
(Beckenhorst Press)
Only One - Music for One Octave of Bells
(Lebanon Publishing)
Pathways to Musical Ringing
(Choristers Guild)
Porta Bell System of Caroling
(Robert Groth Publications)
Porta Four Series
(Robert Groth Publications)
Processionals for the Time
(Concordia Publishing House)
Raleigh Ringer Series
(Jeffers Handbell Supply)
Ready to Ring
(Hope Publishing)
Red River Gold
(Red River Music)
Reproducible Rings
(Hope Publishing)
Resounding Faith Series
(GIA Pubications)
Ring Along Series
(Cantabile Press)
Ring and Rejoice Digital
(Lorenz Corp)
Ring Around the World
(Choristers Guild)
(Ring Out Press)
Ring By Color
(Jeffers Handbell Supply)
Ring Eight
(Concordia Publishing House)
Ring For Joy
(Lorenz Corp)
Ringing Basics
(Shawnee Press)
Ringing Spirit
(Choristers Guild)
Ringing With Keys
(Hope Publishing)
Ring More with Less
(Choristers Guild)
Ring Together
(Jeffers Handbell Supply)
Ring With 6
(From the Top Music)
Ring With 6
(Hope Publishing)
Sing Along Series
(Cantabile Press)
Sing & Ring
Small But Mighty Settings for 12 Bells
(Hope Publishing)
Smaller But Mighty Settings for 8 Bells
(Hope Publishing)
Solo Time
Split Level Series
Susan Geschke's Two Octave Gems
(Hope Publishing)
Suzuki Tonechimes Method Books
(Suzuki Corp)
The Beginning Ringers Series
(Alfred Handbell)
The Legacy Series
(Beckenhorst Press)
Three To Ring
(Ringing Word Publications)
Time to Ring
(Hope Publishing)
True Music
True Music, Encore!!
Twelve Toners System for Chimes & Bells
(Delores Anderson)
Warner Bell Pops
(Alfred Handbell)

Abide With Me

A beautiful, full setting of the favorite hymn tune EVENTIDE.

Composer: Monk, William Henry
Arranger: Krug, Jason
Octaves: 2-5
Level: 2
Publisher: Ringing Word Publications
Rating: Easy

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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRW8228 2 to 5 Octave Handbells. $3.75  

Abide With Me

This arrangement of the tune EVENTIDE may be used for services centered on the themes of healing, hope, guidance, faith, and trust, as well as for compline, vespers, or other evening services.

Composer: Monk, William
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 2+
Publisher: Choristers Guild
Rating: Easy Medium

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This Sheet Music Title has Digital Direct Sheet Music℠ avaiable.
For more information please click here for the Digital Direct FAQ page.
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MCGB777 3, 4 or 5 Octave Handbells with Optional Flute and 3, 4, 5 or 6 Octave Handchimes. $5.95  
DCGB777 Digital Direct.. $5.95  

Abide With Me

One of the great traditional hymns of the church – EVENTIDE – receives a contemporary yet sensitive setting in this Ron Mallory arrangement.

Composer: Traditional
Arranger: Mallory, Ron
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 3
Publisher: Ringing Word Publications
Rating: Medium

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MRW8252 3-5 Oct HB $4.95  

Abide With Me

This quiet and meditative arrangement of "Abide with Me" is perfect for dedication and Communion services.

Composer: Monk, William Henry
Arranger: Helman, Michael
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 2+
Publisher: SoundForth Publications / Lorenz Co.
Rating: Easy Medium

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MSF202052SF 3-5 Oct HB with Opt 3-4 Oct HC $4.95  

Abide With Me

Arranged for solo handbells or handchimes with piano accompaniment, “Abide With Me” is simple enough that the novice soloist can actually master it and accomplished musicians can put it together quickly.

Composer: Monk, William Henry
Arranger: Doran, Tim
Octaves: 2
Level: 1
Publisher: C.A.N. Enterprises
Rating: Easy

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MCE1142 2 oct HB or HC Solo with Piano Accompaniment and opt Strings $9.95  

Abide With Me

Cathy Moklebust has arranged William Monk's beloved tune EVENTIDE in a gentle, calming style. It is published in editions for handbell solo and handbell duet/trio with piano accompaniment and optional flute.

SOLO version: Uses 17 bells from D5 through C7.

DUET or TRIO version: Duet uses 17 bells from D5 through C7; trio uses 26 bells from C4 through C7.

Composer: Monk, William H.
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Octaves: 3
Level: NA
Publisher: Choristers Guild
Rating: Easy

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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MCGBD138 3 oct HB Solo with Piano and opt Flute $9.95  
DCGBD138A MP3 Accompaniment Track for Piano $2.95  
DCGBD138APF MP3 Accompaniment Track for Piano and Flute $2.95  

Abide With Me

Cathy Moklebust has arranged William Monk's beloved tune EVENTIDE in a gentle, calming style. It is published in editions for handbell solo and handbell duet/trio with piano accompaniment and optional flute.

SOLO version: Uses 17 bells from D5 through C7.

DUET or TRIO version: Duet uses 17 bells from D5 through C7; trio uses 26 bells from C4 through C7.

Composer: Monk, William H.
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Octaves: 3
Level: NA
Publisher: Choristers Guild
Rating: Easy

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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MCGBD139 3 oct HB Duet or Trio with Piano and opt Flute $13.95  
DCGBD138A MP3 Accompaniment Track for Piano $2.95  
DCGBD138APF MP3 Accompaniment Track for Piano and Flute $2.95  

Abide With Me

This delicate setting of the hymn tune EVENTIDE is a perfect choice for Lent or any quiet moment in worship. A gentle opening verse gives way to a verse in which the melody is given a freer rhythmic treatment. A key change leads to a final triumphant verse complete with harmonic twists and turns.

Composer: Hymn Tune
Arranger: Krug, Jason W.
Octaves: 3
Level: NA
Publisher: Grassy Meadow Music
Rating: Easy Medium

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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MGMH010017 3 oct HB Solo with Piano $7.95  
DGMH010017A MP3 Piano Accompaniment $6.95  

Abiding Joy

A happy melody combined with compound meter creates a joyful, festive composition. LV is used extensively.

Composer: McKlveen, P.
Octaves: 4-5
Level: 4
Publisher: Beckenhorst Press, Inc.
Rating: Medium

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MBEHB127 $3.95  

Abiding Joy

Abiding Joy is a compilation of joyous, accessible handbell selections that will bring delight to both ringers and listeners. This reproducible collection contains uplifting hymn arrangements by Patricia Hurlbutt, Anna Laura Page, Valerie W. Stephenson, and Tammy Waldrop, plus a delightful original composition by Brenda Austin.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Various
Octaves: 2-5
Level: 1+
Publisher: Choristers Guild
Rating: Easy

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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MCGB1225 Reproducible 2-3 oct HB Collection $39.95  
MCGB1226 Reproducible 3-5 oct HB Collection $39.95  

Abiding Nearer to Thee

Dan Edwards has expertly blended two well-known hymns, “Abide with Me” and “Nearer My God to Thee”, into a beautiful and interesting arrangement that would be right at home in many different worship services.

Composer: Monk, William H. & Mason, Lowell
Arranger: Edwards, Dan
Octaves: 3 or 5
Level: 2
Publisher: Ring Out Press
Rating: Easy Medium

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MRO3349 3 or 5 Oct HB or HC $4.95  

Abiding Praise

This rendition of two hymn tunes NICEA and DUKE STREET includes a part for handbells and a part for keyboard (piano or organ). Performance options are given for adapting this to two bell choirs or adding handchimes.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Kellermeyer, David M.
Octaves: 2
Level: 2
Publisher: High Meadow Music Publishing
Rating: Easy Medium

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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHM05013 Optional Handchimes and Keyboard. $4.25  

Abilene Rag

This original composition comes with rehearsal suggestions that include words to the melody. "If you can sing it, you can ring it!" states the composer. Mallets, optional chimes (E6-A6), and dotted rhythms make up the ambiance and flow. Measures total 50.

Composer: Dare, John C.
Octaves: 2-3
Level: 2
Publisher: Flagstaff Publishing
Rating: Easy Medium

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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MFLHB252 $4.50  

Abounding Joy

This rhythmic selection in 5/4 meter abounds with vitality and joy. It is sure to be a favorite with congregation and ensemble alike.

Composer: Edwards, D.
Octaves: 3
Level: 4
Publisher: Choristers Guild
Rating: Medium Advance

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This Sheet Music Title has Digital Direct Sheet Music℠ avaiable.
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MCGB317 $4.95  
DCGB317 Digital Direct.. $4.95  

Abounding Joy

This original work, inspired by Psalm 16:11, is filled with joy from beginning to end. The engaging melody will be remembered long after the music has ended and this piece is bound to become a favorite in your group’s repertoire!

Composer: Hakes, Derek K.
Octaves: 3-6
Level: 3
Publisher: From the Top Music
Rating: Medium

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MFM20750 3-6 oct HB with 3-6 oct HC $4.95  

Above All

Written by Paul Baloche and Lenny LeBlanc, the popular praise song "Above All" has been arranged for 3-5 octaves of handbells.

Composer: Baloche, Paul and LeBlanc, Lenny
Arranger: Kent, D. R.
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 3
Publisher: Hope Publishing Co.
Rating: Medium

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MHP2287 $7.00  

Above All Names

This combination of two popular worship songs, ("Jesus, Name Above All Names" and "You Are My All in All") is also very worshipful and will enhance many types of services.

Composer: Hearn, Naida & Jernigan, Dennis L.
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 3-
Publisher: Ring Praise Publications
Rating: Medium

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This Sheet Music Title has Digital Direct Sheet Music℠ avaiable.
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MRP7538 3-5 Oct HB $4.95  

Above All Names

"Above All Names" is a set of five hymns of adoration and praise skillfully arranged by Susan E. Geschke, Patricia Hurlbutt, and Bill Ingram. The pieces have no bell changes, and may be played with music stands if desired.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Various
Octaves: 2-3
Level: 2
Publisher: Choristers Guild
Rating: Easy

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MCGB1197 Reproducible 2-3 oct HB or HC $39.95  

Above All With When I Survey

Utilizing handbells, SATB choir, and various instruments, Arnold Sherman brings both traditional and contemporary elements together in this dynamic new anthem for blended worship.

Composer: LeBlanc, Lenny & Baloche, Paul
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold B.
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 3
Publisher: Hope Publishing Co.
Rating: Medium

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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHPC5559R Conductor's Score and Rhythm Parts (see listing above) $34.95  
MHP2470 Handbell Part $7.00  
MHPC5559 SATB and piano $3.25  
A384 Rehearsal / Performance CD $29.95  

Above the Clouds

Winner in the "Original 3 Octave" category of the 1998 Composition Contest sponsored by the Alberta (Canada) Guild of English Handbell Ringers, this original work takes a dotted eighth-sixteenth motive and expands it against flowing accompaniment.

Composer: Merrett, F.
Octaves: 3
Level: 3
Publisher: High Meadow Music Publishing
Rating: Easy Medium

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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHM01050 $3.25  

Abundant Joy

This original, joyful work is lively and rhythmic with an engaging, flowing treble melody. The melody follows in the bass clef supported by TD in treble which adds interest and texture.

Composer: Laumann, Craig
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 3
Publisher: From the Top Music
Rating: Medium

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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MFM20798 3-7 Oct HB with 3 Oct HC
 $4.95  $4.46 

A Carol Jubilee

Fully scored to keep all ringers involved, this medley of “How Great Our Joy,” “Unto Us A Boy is Born,” and “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” fits equally well in worship or concert settings.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Rogers, Sharon Elery
Octaves: 2-3
Level: 1+
Publisher: Alfred Handbell /
Jubilate Music Group
Rating: Easy

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MAP38734 2 to 3 Octave Handbells or Handchimes. $4.25  


Commissioned by the handbell ensemble, "Embellish", this original work is a true showpiece!

Composer: Sherman, A.
Octaves: 3-6
Level: 4
Publisher: Choristers Guild
Rating: Medium Advance

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This Sheet Music Title has Digital Direct Sheet Music℠ avaiable.
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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MCGB288 $5.95  
DCGB288 Digital Direct.. $5.95  

Acclamation for Bells

Don't overlook this happy, festive piece because it has been in the catalogs awhile!

Composer: Young, Philip M.
Octaves: 2
Level: NA
Publisher: Shawnee Press, Inc.
Rating: Easy Medium

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MSPHP5055 $3.65  

Acclamation in G Minor

This original piece in the tradition of "Festive Peal" (AG35303) is your festival solution! With compatible arrangements for choirs containing two to six octaves of bells without bell changes, your ringers can play this piece without tables or from memory for greater impact in your next concert or service.

Composer: Thompson, Karen
Octaves: 2-6
Level: 2+
Publisher: AGEHR Publishing
Rating: Easy Medium

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MAG23046 2-3 Oct HB $4.95  
MAG46030 4-6 Oct HB $4.95  

Acclamation of Praise

This creative arrangement is based on the hymn tunes OLD 100th and ST. ANNE. Perfect for a celebration of any kind.

Composer: Hymn Tunes
Arranger: Raney, Joel
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 3-
Publisher: Hope Publishing Co.
Rating: Medium

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MHP3057 3-5 oct HB with opt 3-5 oct HC, organ, and perc $6.25  
MHP3057D Full Score, organ, and percussion parts $22.95  

Acclamation on Azmon

This useful, festive arrangement works well with 3 octaves.

Composer: Glaser, C.
Arranger: Sherman, A.
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 2+
Publisher: Hope Publishing Co.
Rating: Medium

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MHP1363 $6.25  

Acclamation on Azmon

For 3 to 6 octaves of handbells and organ or handbells with brass and timpani, this setting of the powerful hymn "O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing" includes an optional SATB choral part, entering for a festive conclusion.

Composer: Glaser, Carl G.
Arranger: Sherman, Arnold
Octaves: 3-6
Level: 2+
Publisher: Hope Publishing Co.
Rating: Easy Medium

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MHP2395B Brass Parts (2 trumpets, trombone, Horn in F, Tuba and Timpani) $34.95  
MHP2395D Director/Organ Score $14.95  
MHP2395 Ringer's Edition with SATB Choir $6.25  


This expansive original work is rich in beautiful melodies and opportunities for musical contrast.

Composer: Payn, William
Octaves: 5-7
Level: 3+
Publisher: Hope Publishing Co.
Rating: Medium

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MHP2782 5-7 Oct HB w Opt 5-6 Oct HC $6.50  

Acclamations for Handbells and Voices

Opening Sentences, Responses to Prayer, and Responses to the Benediction for voices ranging from unison to SATB with handbell accompaniment are in this collection.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Hopson, H.
Octaves: 2
Level: NA
Publisher: Lorenz Corp.
Rating: Easy Medium

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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLCS273 Unison/SATB/Orff/HB $2.75  

Acclamations for Handbells and Voices Set 2

These short acclamations unite the joyful sounds of bells and voices in 19 choral sentences for worship. Handbells provide the most effective accompaniment, but tubular chimes or Orff-type instruments may be substituted with minor adjustments in chordal selections.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Hopson, H.
Octaves: 2-3
Level: 2
Publisher: Lorenz Corp.
Rating: Easy

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MLCS531 Unison/SATB/Orff/HB $2.65  

Acclamations for the Church Year

Using only four or five ringers, these eleven acclamations could be used as processionals (the first eight measures can be repeated ad lib,) or as interludes or responses. Often the briefest snippet of a seasonally-appropriate hymn tune is quoted.

Composer: Kosche, Kenneth T.
Octaves: 2-3
Level: 2
Publisher: Morning Star Music Publishers
Rating: Easy Medium

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MMOMSM30515 2-3 Oct HB or HC $4.75  


This original composition from Kathleen Wissinger introduces ringers to the joy of melodic eighth notes.

Composer: Wissinger, Kathleen
Octaves: 3
Level: 2-
Publisher: Hope Publishing Co.
Rating: Easy

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MHP2391 $5.25  

Accolade for Bells

"Accolade for Bells" is for use with 4 octaves of bells, but is basically for 3 octaves.

Composer: Smith, D.
Octaves: 3-4
Level: NA
Publisher: Hinshaw Handbell Series
Rating: Easy Medium

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MHHB16 HB/Organ $4.95  

According to John

Using a text from John 1:29-34, this versatile piece can be performed as a handbell anthem, handbells with a vocal solo, or as a solo with keyboard accompaniment.

Composer: Hartley, A.
Octaves: 5
Level: NA
Publisher: Thomas House /Descant /Gold Coast Music
Rating: Medium

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MTH9133 HB/Vocal Solo/Solo/Keyboard $4.00  

Across the Pond

These creative arrangements of folk melodies are accessible both for beginning groups looking to play something familiar, as well as groups working on advancing their skills from beginner to intermediate. The titles in this set – all of them from England, Ireland, and Wales – are well-known traditional folk tunes which have also been paired with sacred texts in church settings, making them suitable for school, church, and community groups alike.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Krug, Jason W.
Octaves: 2-5
Level: 2
Publisher: Choristers Guild
Rating: Easy

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MCGB1105 Reproducible 2-3 Oct HB or HC $39.95  
MCGB1106 Reproducible 3-5 Oct HB or HC $39.95  

Actively Ringing

Handbells and handchimes are accessible instruments that can be used to teach ostinati, chords, simple accompaniments, and basic small-group composition along with music literacy. Teachers can combine these instruments with unison and part-singing, recorders, Orff instruments, and movement.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Brackney, Emily
Octaves: 2
Level: NA
Publisher: Rhythm Band Instruments
Rating: Easy

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MRBSP2421 Text with Music $26.95  

A D 1620

Composer Edward Macdowell was a 19th century American pianist and composer. "A.D. 1620," one of his compositions, is a part of the suite originally written for piano entitled Sea Pieces. The arranger Ellen Jane Lorenz has scored the very slow and meditative piece for 3 octaves of bells, enlarging it for the 4th octave, which doubles melody or bass.

Composer: MacDowell, E.
Arranger: Lorenz, E. J.
Octaves: 3-4
Level: NA
Publisher: Bourne Company
Rating: Easy Medium

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MBO408799 $1.15  


This piece is a short selection of 38 measures and a grand demonstration of music from the German Baroque composer.

Composer: Telemann, G. P.
Arranger: Hopson, H.
Octaves: 3
Level: NA
Publisher: Lorenz Corp.
Rating: Easy Medium

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MLCSHB7 $3.95  


This famous work is a marvelous addition to any worship service or concert is this stately "Adagio."

Composer: Albinoni, T.
Arranger: McChesney, K.
Octaves: 3-5
Level: NA
Publisher: Warner Brothers Publications / Jubilate Music Group
Rating: Medium

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MWBHB9513 $3.50  


Mozart's original work from Piano Concerto No. 20 is arranged here in a light, open feel. Bell changes and sixteenth-note triplets provide challenge.

Composer: Mozart
Arranger: Benton, Robin
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 3
Publisher: Flagstaff Publishing
Rating: Medium

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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MFLHB283 Piano Concerto No. 20 $4.00  


This adagio is the theme from the 2nd movement of Mozart’s concerto for clarinet and orchestra (K622), his last instrumental work completed before his death.

Composer: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Arranger: Wilson, Malcolm C.
Octaves: 2-3
Level: 2-
Publisher: Hope Publishing Co.
Rating: Easy

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MHP2421 $5.25  


"Adagio" is a short piece of 38 measures superbly demonstrating literature from the 17th Century Italian period.

Composer: Corelli
Arranger: Groves
Octaves: 3
Level: NA
Publisher: AGEHR Publishing
Rating: Medium

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MAG3004 $3.00  


This arrangement of a favorite violin piece is a lovely choice for concert or worship.

Composer: Mendelssohn, Felix
Arranger: Benton, Robin
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 2+
Publisher: Flagstaff Publishing
Rating: Easy Medium

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MFLHB741 3-5 Oct HB or HC $4.95  

Adagio and Dances for Bells

This bell piece fits well into a concert situation or a church service. Ringers and listeners alike will enjoy the variety of key and style.

Composer: Dugger, Bill D.
Octaves: 3
Level: 3+
Publisher: Meadowlark Melodies
Rating: Medium

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MMEAAM142 $4.50  

Adagio and Toccata

Blanche Kangas has arranged this work attributed to Frescobaldi for 4 to 7 octaves of bells.

Composer: Frescobaldi, Girolamo
Arranger: Kangas, Blanche
Octaves: 4-7
Level: 4+
Publisher: Bell Canto Press
Rating: Advance

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MBCC1 4-7 oct HB $4.95  

Adagio Cantabile

This work, the second movement from the "Sonata Pathetique", is one of Beethoven's loveliest compositions! Sensitivity is needed to play it musically.

Composer: Beethoven, L.
Arranger: Herbek, R.
Octaves: 5
Level: 3
Publisher: Thorpe Music Publishing Co.
Rating: Medium Advance

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MTP49442047 $3.99  

Adagio Cantabile

Thes famous movement from Beethoven's "Sonata Pathetique" (Opus 13) is set for 4 - 5 octaves.

Composer: Beethoven
Arranger: Merrett, Fred A.
Octaves: 4-5
Level: 3
Publisher: Flagstaff Publishing
Rating: Medium

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MFLHB247 $5.50  

Adagio for Bells

This arrangement is a rather quiet, modal composition suitable for church or concert. A chordal accompaniment supports the moving melodic figure throughout the work.

Composer: Sharp, T.
Octaves: 3
Level: NA
Publisher: Fred Bock Music Co.
Rating: Easy Medium

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MFBBG0890 $4.00  

Adagio for Bells

Bob Burroughs’s “Adagio for Bells” has surprising action, energy, and challenges, and yet it always returns to something soft. This piece is well placed at celebrations and festivals at churches, schools, and universities. It is sure to hold listeners’ interest until the end, and it will become a favorite for bell choirs.

Composer: Burroughs, Bob
Octaves: 4-7
Level: 3
Publisher: Concordia Publishing House
Rating: Medium

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MCO977806 4-7 Oct HB $4.25  

Adagio from the Clarinet Concerto

Flute, oboe, Bb clarinet, violin or organ solo (reed) may play along with 3 octaves of handbells in this arrangement of W.A. Mozart's original work. But the handbell score is far more than a simple accompaniment - contrasting textures and a bit of syncopation add sparkle and interest to the 87 measures.

Composer: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Arranger: Benton, Robin
Octaves: 3
Level: 2+
Publisher: Flagstaff Publishing
Rating: Easy Medium

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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MFLHB304DS Director's Score $7.00  
MFLHB304 Handbell Score $4.50  

Adagio in G Minor

Tomaso Albinoni and Remo Giazotto's beloved Adagio is now suited to be performed by five full octaves of bells and organ. The arranger stays true to the original, using special bell techniques to represent the master work. An especially lovely flourish in the final measures is played by mallets on suspended bells.

Composer: Albinoni, Tomaso/Giazotto, Remo
Arranger: Zabel, Albert
Octaves: 5
Level: 3
Publisher: Shawnee Press, Inc.
Rating: Medium

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MSPHP5395 5 Oct HB $3.95  
MSPHP5406 Full score/Organ $3.50  

Adagio Religioso and Allegro

"Adagio Religioso and Allegro" is an easy piece using mostly half, quarter, and dotted half note values. It begins with an Adagio section and concludes with a faster pace in the Allegro.

Composer: Broege, Timothy
Octaves: 3
Level: NA
Publisher: Bourne Company
Rating: Easy Medium

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MBO408879 $2.00  

Addams Family (Halloween Surprise)

With mallet rolls and clicks, finger snaps and thumb damps, this well-known theme is fun to ring! This one is sure to lighten any concert!

Composer: Mizzy, Vic
Arranger: Childers, Brian
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 3+
Publisher: From the Top Music
Rating: Medium

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MFM20357 3-5 oct HC $4.25  

Adeste Fideles

This is a versatile arrangement for handbells and organ with optional trumpet/timpani, congregation and/or choir. The brass ensemble consists of 3 trumpets and 2 trombones.

Composer: Wade, J.
Arranger: Dobrinski, C.
Octaves: 3-5
Level: NA
Publisher: Hope Publishing Co.
Rating: Medium

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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MHP1595 Brass Pts--3 trumpets, 2 trombones, 1 tuba, timpani $34.95  
MHP1449 Full score $14.95  
MHP1434 HB pt $6.25  
MHP1449T Trumpet/Timpani pt $9.95  

Adeste Fideles

This is not your typical setting of "O Come, All Ye Faithful"! Wildly-unexpected harmonies abound as the piece moves through a variety of styles and keys on its way to a triumphant conclusion!

Composer: Traditional
Arranger: Krug, Jason W.
Octaves: 3-6
Level: 3+
Publisher: Grassy Meadow Music
Rating: Medium Advance

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MGMH350049 3-6 oct HB with opt 2 oct HC
 $4.95  $4.46 


This work is a humorous selection using an ostinato pattern throughout much of the music. It is written so that ringers leave during the last section concluding with the last chord played off stage.

Composer: Gumma, V.
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 3
Publisher: AGEHR Publishing
Rating: Medium

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MAG35072 HB/Opt Brass $4.95  


Modality and 7th chords are 2 interesting elements of this simple piece.

Composer: Groth, R.
Octaves: 4
Level: NA
Publisher: Robert Groth Publications
Rating: Easy Medium

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MGR8203 $4.00  


Commissioned for the 1997 Hagerstown Area Handbell Festival, this original work is for double handbell choir and timpani. Choir I is for 2 octaves of bells or choir chimes and Choir II is for either 3,4,5 or 6 octaves.

Composer: Kirk, P.
Octaves: 2-6
Level: 4
Publisher: Laurendale Associates
Rating: Medium Advance

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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLAHB1055 Double HB choirs (2 Octaves & 3-6 Octaves) / Opt Timpani / Opt Chimes $5.25  

Adoration of the Wise Men

Mysterious and stirring, arranger Matthew Prins weaves this 15th century French carol into a beautiful blanket of soothing music.

Composer: French 15th Century Melody
Arranger: Prins, Matthew
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 2
Publisher: G.I.A. Publications, Inc.
Rating: Easy Medium

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MGIG7624 $4.95  

Adoration Thanks and Praise

This reproducible collection includes five distinctive hymn arrangements for 12 bells (F5-C7) appropriate for the fall season of the church year, with optional piano accompaniments.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Moklebust, Cathy
Octaves: 3
Level: 2
Publisher: Choristers Guild
Rating: Easy Medium

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DCGB1204A MP3 Digital Piano Accompaniment Tracks $12.95  
MCGB1204 Reproducible 3 oct, 12 Bell Ensemble with Opt Piano $49.95  

Adore Him

The beloved anthem arranger John Purifoy offers this collection of easy handbell music for worship with piano accompaniment for 2-3 octaves of bells. Titles include: "Savior Like a Shepherd, It is Well with My Soul, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, O Worship the King, Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee, Holy Holy Holy, Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken, Christmas Medley, and Praise the Lord Ye Heavens Adore Him."

Composer: Various
Arranger: Purifoy, J.
Octaves: 2-3
Level: 2+
Publisher: Lorenz Corp.
Rating: Easy Medium

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MLC201117T HB pt $8.95  
MLC301259T Full score/Piano pt $9.95  

Adoro Te Devote

Over the ages this chant melody has enthralled many by its simplicity and beauty. This setting embraces that mesmerizing effect as medieval tonal colors emerge to further magnify the mystery and wonder of God.

Composer: Traditional
Arranger: Moats, William E.
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 2+
Publisher: G.I.A. Publications, Inc.
Rating: Easy Medium

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MGIG8366 3, 4 and 5 Octave Handbells $4.95  

Adoro Te Devote

This haunting setting of a beloved hymn is a great choice for the ensemble looking for something different and versatile. While the piece can be played by handbells and handchimes alone, the inclusion of the optional solo voice or solo instrument will really make this piece something to remember.

Composer: Hymn Tune
Arranger: Krug, Jason W.
Octaves: 3-6
Level: 3-
Publisher: Grassy Meadow Music
Rating: Medium

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MGMH350031 3-6 oct HB with opt 3-6 oct HC and opt vocal solo or solo inst $4.95  
MGMH350031T C or Bb instrument part $5.95  
MGMH350031F Full Score $5.50  

Advanced Solo Ringing

The method presented in this thorough work is a set of techniques which allow a solo ringer to ring two or more notes at a time continuously throughout a piece. Interlocked handle techniques are avoided because of slow setup times and limited combinations.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Allen, David M./Patton, David L.
Octaves: 3-4
Level: NA
Publisher: National Handbell Music

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MNMB011 $29.95  


"He comes to heal the broken hearted, and those who thought that hope was gone," so begins the text of this anthem, which includes a score for five to ten bells ranging from C5 to G6. The bells ring in the first and last sections in simple rhythms in open octaves. The tempo is slow and may be played by a good level I choir.

Composer: Wagner, D.
Octaves: 2
Level: 2
Publisher: Warner Brothers Publications / Jubilate Music Group
Rating: Easy

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MWBBSC9722 2-part Mixed/Keyboard/Optional HB $1.25  

Advent and Christmas Quartets

Each ringer's part is on a separate system, so four copies will be needed unless ringers share a stand. The 2 quartets individually arranged are "Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus" and "Good Christian Men Rejoice."

Composer: Various
Arranger: Hirt
Octaves: 3
Level: NA
Publisher: Jeffers Publishing
Rating: Easy Medium

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MJHS9115 Collection/Quartets $4.50  

Advent and Lent Carols

This two-piece folio includes "Were You There" (for Lent) and "Coventry Carol" (for Advent). Malleting on suspended bells is featured in the Lent carol for a shimmering effect. The Advent carol requires no page turns.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Sherry, Mark
Octaves: 3
Level: 1+
Publisher: Meadowlark Melodies
Rating: Easy Medium

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MMEAAM116 $4.50  

Advent Anticipation

Ring in the season with this joyous medley. The use of stopped techniques and optional handchimes add interest and excitement, making it the perfect piece for any Advent worship service or concert.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Dennis, Karissa
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 3-
Publisher: Lorenz Corp.
Rating: Medium

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MLC201974L 3-5 Oct HB with Opt 3-5 Oct HC $4.95  

Advent Bells

Using only whole, half and quarter notes, this piece gives your beginning group an opportunity to grow using various techniques.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Rogers, S.
Octaves: 2
Level: 1+
Publisher: Morning Star Music Publishers
Rating: Easy

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MMOMSM30001 $4.50  

Advent Carol

This version of the title "Advent Carol" is a good selection for the less experienced 2 octave choir because of repeated notes, easy rhythms and the lovely tune.

Composer: Burroughs, B.
Octaves: 2
Level: NA
Publisher: Lorenz Corp.
Rating: Easy

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLCHB250 $4.50  

Advent Carol

With the exception of a short middle section, the half note rhythm of the bass bells create a solid foundation for different treatments of the "Veni Emmanuel" tune.

Composer: Traditional
Arranger: Hopson, H.
Octaves: 3 or 5
Level: 2
Publisher: Choristers Guild
Rating: Easy

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MCGB154 $4.95  
DCGB154 Digital Direct.. $4.95  

Advent Celebration

This work is a versatile Christmas selection. It includes a Procession that can be easily memorized, "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence", "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks" and "Angels We Have Heard on High."

Composer: Various
Arranger: Kirk, Phyllis S.
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 2
Publisher: Laurendale Associates
Rating: Easy

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Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MLAHB1101P Brass Parts (2 Trumpets, French Horn, Trombone, Tuba) $10.00  
MLAHB1101S Full Brass score (for directors) $8.00  
MLAHB1101 3-5 oct HB w opt 3 oct HC and reproducible vocal part $4.50  

Advent Celebration

Two beloved German hymn tunes ("Break Forth O Beauteous Heavenly Light" and "Lo How a Rose E'er Blooming") are melded together in this arrangement perfect for your Advent or Christmas services.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Ingram, Bill
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 2+
Publisher: Lorenz Corp.
Rating: Easy Medium

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MLC201670L 3, 4 or 5 Octave Handbells with Optional 3 Octave Handchimes. $4.50  

Advent Contemplation

Part of the "Ardis Freeman Handbell Library," this 4-page setting of three advent tunes ("JEFFERSON, NUM KOMM and HEIDEN HEILAND") places the melodies in upper and lower registers. Some meter change and terraced dynamics are used. The back page contains the bells used chart, a warm-up exercise applicable to the piece, and helpful performance notes.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Moats, William E.
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 2
Publisher: Genesis Press
Rating: Easy Medium

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MGEGP2027 $4.25  

Advent Fantasy

Advent Fantasy combines the tunes GENEVAN 42 (Comfort, Comfort Now My People), PICARDY (Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence), NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND (Savior of the Nations, Come) and PUER NOBIS (On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry).

Composer: Various
Arranger: Philips, Judy
Octaves: 3-6
Level: 3
Publisher: Choristers Guild
Rating: Medium

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MCGB751 3 to 6 Octave Handbells with Optional 2 Octave Handchimes and Percussion--triangle and tambourine $5.95  
DCGB751 Digital Direct.. $5.95  

Advent Hope

The contemplative strains of "Savior of the Nations, Come" and "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus" are woven together in this lovely musical prayer for the Advent season.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Hakes, Derek
Octaves: 2-3
Level: 2
Publisher: Lorenz Corp.
Rating: Easy Medium

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MLC201573L $4.95  

Advent Joy

This energetic setting of “Prepare the Way, O Zion” will set the stage for Advent. Ringers will enjoy the forward motion of this arrangement which incorporates the beloved HYFRYDOL tune.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Childers, Brian
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 2+
Publisher: Alfred Handbell /
Jubilate Music Group
Rating: Easy Medium

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MAP45746 3-5(6) Oct HB $4.95  

Advent Lullaby for the Child

This simple, yet masterful combining of a contemporary hymn, GOD COMES TOMORROW by John Bell, with the venerable tune GREENSLEEVES gives smaller ensembles a wonderful choice for Advent.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Norman, Nancy A.
Octaves: 3
Level: 2
Publisher: G.I.A. Publications, Inc.
Rating: Easy Medium

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MGIG8948 3 Oct HB $4.95  

Advent Meditation

The advent tunes "Veni Emmanuel, Picardy," and "Aberystwyth" are woven into a lovely collage.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Wagner, D.
Octaves: 3
Level: NA
Publisher: Lorenz Corp.
Rating: Easy Medium

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MLCSHB19 $4.50  

Advent Meditation

This short, easy medley of the tunes VENI EMMANUEL, PICARDY, and ABERYSTWYTH effectively captures the mystery and wonder of the season of anticipation.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E.
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 2
Publisher: Lorenz Corp.
Rating: Easy Medium

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MLC201308L Medley $4.95  

Advent Meditation

This meditative, original tune is ideal for use throughout the holidays and for candlelight services in particular.

Composer: Edwards, Dan R.
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 2
Publisher: SoundForth Publications / Lorenz Co.
Rating: Easy Medium

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MSF201828SF 3-5 Oct HB $4.95  

Advent Medley

This setting of three favorite Advent and Christmas songs has been artfully arranged for two complete, 5 or 6-octave handbell choirs and has several options which will offer interesting performance choices.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Afdahl, Lee J.
Octaves: 5-6
Level: 3
Publisher: From the Top Music
Rating: Medium

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MFM20472 5-6 Oct HB w/Kybd or Perc $6.25  

Advent Medley

This piece is a medley of two Advent tunes, “Hyfrydol” and “Comfort You My People,” in ABA form, with shifting meters and a unifying ostinato found in both piano and handbell parts.

Composer: Prichard, Rowland Hugh & Psalter, Genevan
Arranger: Hascall, Nancy
Octaves: 3
Level: NA
Publisher: Above the Line Publishing

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MDR053 3 Oct HB Solo w Piano $12.00  

Advent Noel

Ring in the season with this lively arrangement of the French carol "Sing We Now of Christmas", including a hopeful, scripture-based text for Advent.

Composer: Traditional
Arranger: Page, Anna Laura & Shafferman, Jean Anne
Octaves: 2
Level: NA
Publisher: Lorenz Corp.

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MLC104662L SATB or 2pt with Opt 2 Oct HB $2.40  

Advent Passacaglia

This tune for handbells and handchimes begins with a bass pattern. Variations are then added before the Advent tune is introduced—NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND, or “Savior of the Nations, Come.”

Composer: Traditional
Arranger: Lamb, Linda
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 2
Publisher: Concordia Publishing House
Rating: Easy Medium

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MCO977763 3-5 Oct HB with Opt 3 Oct HC $3.95  

Advent Processional

For unison voices and four handbells, this anthem contains two parts: a "before the procession" section and a "the procession" section. No other accompaniment is given.

Composer: Proulx, R.
Octaves: 2
Level: NA
Publisher: G.I.A. Publications, Inc.
Rating: Easy

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MGIG2541 Unison/HB $1.80  

Advent Processional

This arrangement is for unison/2 part chorus, congregation, percussion and 2 bells. The percussion instruments include triangle, tabor, tom tom, bell tree, and a hurdy gurdy. Hints of the tune "O Come O Come Emmanuel" are present throughout.

Composer: Pearson
Octaves: 3
Level: 1
Publisher: Paraclete Press
Rating: Easy

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MAE63 Unison/2-pt/HB/Percussion $1.95  

Advent Processional, An

Two octaves of bells and voices combine in this setting of Rorate Caeli in Chant Mode I. The bells score is not difficult, but does require reading music without a meter sign.

Composer: Rorate Caell
Arranger: Hurd, D.
Octaves: 2
Level: 3
Publisher: G.I.A. Publications, Inc.
Rating: Medium Advance

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MGIG4067 2-pt/Cantor/Congregation/HB $1.10  

Advent Processional, An

The traditional tune VENI, VENI, EMMANUEL is set here for 5 verses with an organum part, optional congregation and 9 handbells (G4-D5). The bells ring a single, open-spaced chord in quarter-note and half-note rhythms throughout the piece.

Arranger: Schulz-Widmar, R.
Octaves: 2
Level: 1
Publisher: Selah Publishing Co.
Rating: Easy

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MSL405121 SATB/Organ/HB/Optional Congregation $1.95  

Advent Procession on Savior of the Nations Come

The tune NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND has been creatively set for an organ prelude and a procession with handbells, and chimes or percussion. The tempo is slow and the mood is free, almost chant-like.

Composer: Walther, Johann
Arranger: McIntyre, John
Octaves: 3
Level: 2
Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers
Rating: Easy

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MAU1110577 3 Oct HB $1.75  

Advent Promise

"Advent Promise" has an anticipatory energy about it - just like the Advent season. Fresh original music, along with the hymn, "Come, Thou Long -Expected Jesus," (slightly altered), is fully scored to keep all ringers involved, and spiced with special techniques.

Composer: Page, Anna Laura
Octaves: 2-3
Level: 1
Publisher: Alfred Handbell /
Jubilate Music Group
Rating: Easy

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MAP25347 Handbells or Handchimes. $3.50  

Advent Ring

Sub-titled "Our Hope and Expectation," this piece is an arrangement of the Swedish Tune "Haf Trones Lampa Fardig." The rhythms are simple, but there are several bell changes and key changes that add interest and challenge.

Composer: Swedish Tune
Arranger: Moats, William E.
Octaves: 3-4
Level: 2+
Publisher: Genesis Press
Rating: Easy Medium

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MGEGP2039 $4.50  

Advent Road

Doug Wagner has artfully melded two traditional Advent hymns (Kingsfold and Veni Emmanuel) in this arrangement that includes optional handbells or handchimes.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Wagner, Douglas E.
Octaves: 2
Level: NA
Publisher: Lorenz Corp.

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MLC103989L SATB with Optional 2 Octave Handbells or Handchimes. $2.40  

Advent Song Lead Us From Darkness

"Lead us from darkness, make us your own," is the congregational text of this anthem, which includes a score for 4 handbells(E5, A5, B5 and C#6).

Composer: Clarke, R.
Arranger: Honore, J.
Octaves: 2
Level: 2
Publisher: G.I.A. Publications, Inc.
Rating: Easy

Item # Detail Price Qty. Disc
MGIG3902 SATB/Solo/Congregation/Keyboard/Optional Flute/HB $1.40  

Advent Suite for Handbells

This set of three carols--"Comfort Comfort These My People, Savior of the Nations Come, and Prepare the Royal Highway"--provides contrasting moods that encompass the full range of emotions of the Advent season.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Tucker, Sondra
Octaves: 2-3
Level: 3
Publisher: Beckenhorst Press, Inc.
Rating: Medium

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MBEHB444 2 to 3 Octave Handbells with Optional 2 Octave Handchimes and Percussion. $5.95  

Advent Tapestry, An

3 tunes, "Veni Emmanuel", "Wachet Auf" and "Helmsley", are presented as a medley wrapped in a constantly moving 8th-note pattern.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Wilson, M.
Octaves: 3-5
Level: NA
Publisher: Lorenz Corp.
Rating: Easy Medium

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MLC201007 $4.95  

Advent Tidings

Two familiar Advent hymn tunes, TRURO and STUTTGART, announce the promised coming of Our Lord in a bold and spirited style.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Akers, Michael E.
Octaves: 2-3
Level: 2
Publisher: Lorenz Corp.
Rating: Easy Medium

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MLC201449L $4.95  

Advent Tidings

This Advent medley begins with LV and the hymn “Savior of the Nations, Come,” then moves into a gently syncopated accompaniment supporting “O Come, 0 Come, Emmanuel.” Then with subtle touch, the chant DIVINUM MYSTERIUM, sneaks into the mix via handchimes.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Compton, Matthew
Octaves: 3-6
Level: 3+
Publisher: Hope Publishing Co.
Rating: Medium

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MHP2810 3-6 Oct HB with Opt 2 Oct HC $6.25  

Advent to Christmas

This compilation of 8 previously released tunes is a wonderful resource for Advent and Christmas.

Composer: Various
Arranger: Various
Octaves: 3-5
Level: 2+
Publisher: Lorenz Corp.
Rating: Easy Medium

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MLC201176L Collection/Optional Chimes $9.95  
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