When Morning Dawns (Alternate Key)
"When Morning Dawns" is an arrangement of the hymn tune CONSOLATION (sometimes alternately referenced as MORNING SONG) for 8 bells (E5-F6). It may be rung by two people playing 4-in-Hand or four people in a small ensemble with 2 bells each. This arrangement builds the anticipation of Advent with eighth note movement. This arrangement allows a quartet to ring with standard position assignments (most spaces LH and lines RH). An alternate key version is available under the title "When Morning Dawns" that uses bells F#5-G6. Common hymn titles associated with this tune are: "The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns"; "O Holy City, Seen of John"; and "Song of Mary (Magnificat)".
Permission is granted to the original purchaser of this music to make sufficient copies for their musicians. May NOT be duplicated for multiple groups.