Your #1 source for Handbell & Handchime Sheet Music.
Ring Out! Press - Winter & Spring 2025 Notebooks Lights Risers & Stands Mallets Foam Digital Music

Wise and the Foolish Builders
You can hear the hammers pound as the wise man and the foolish man build their houses, then feel the battering storm and experience the crash as the house on the sand meets its inevitable fall!  Mark Arnold's arrangement of the beloved childrens' song illustrates the story using mallet clicks and a stormy 3/4 section, with optional percussion adding to the fun.  78 measures. Keys of C Major and F Major.
Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MCGB1094 Wise and the Foolish Builders   - 3-5 Oct HB with Opt Percussion $5.95 S