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Come You Thankful People Come
"Come, You Thankful People, Come" is a spirited setting of the familiar hymntune, ST. GEORGE’S WINDSOR, calling for mart, mart-lift, ring-touch and shake techniques, and making extensive use of mallets. The straightforward first stanza is in the usual and expected 4/4 meter, interspersed with an occasional 2/4 measure along the way. The second stanza moves into 3/4, with a recurring cross-accent pattern, producing the effect of playing in 6/8. After modulating from F to E-flat, the third and final stanza returns to the original meter, bringing the piece to a decisive and joyful ff conclusion! 107 measures.
Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MCGB1010 Come You Thankful People Come   - 3-5 Oct HB $5.95 S