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Echoes of the Past
This mesmerizing piece features a repetitive Level 1 echo pattern in the lower bells and a Level 2 modal melody in treble. Two different versions in the folio allow a custom fit for your ringers: “A” for 2 octaves contains the L2 melody from A5-G6 while G4-G5 ringers play the L1 echo patterns – and “B” for 3-5 oct. has the L2 melody from F5-C7 and 5 L1 positions from C4-E5. “B” also offers a L1 C3-B3 bass score. Rehearsal notes are included as well. Note: “A” and “B” are not compatible – use whichever score best suits your needs. Part of the “Split-Level Series” (ringTrue Handbell Music) which features Level 2 pieces with specific Level 1 positions, to seamlessly integrate new or beginning ringers into an established group; also useful for multiple-grade ensembles in schools. 45 measures. Modal. The "A" score has no sharps or flats; The "B" score has a Bb.
Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MRE2001AB Echoes of the Past   - Split Level 2 Oct & 3-5 Oct HB $5.00 S