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Ring Out! Press - Winter & Spring 2025 Notebooks Lights Risers & Stands Mallets Foam Digital Music

Brightest and Best of the Stars of the Morning
First published in 1827, this Epiphany hymn combines chimes and bells in contrasting textures to present the tune. March-like sections of bass-clef malleted accompaniment support the melody on top of tall chords in the treble. This alternates with a melody in the mid-range bells on chimes accompanied by gentle, undulating eighth-note patterns in the treble. 87 measures in length, "Brightest and Best" is set in G Major, Bb Major, and C Major.
Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MBEHB322 Brightest and Best of the Stars of the Morning   - Handbells with Optional 3 Octave Handchimes. $4.95 S