Exploring Handbells Book 2
Exploring Handbells Book 2 is a follow-up to Exploring Handbells Book 1. The music in this publication will build upon the technical requirements learned in Book 1. Book 1 teaches ringing, damping, vibrato, Let vibrate (LV), shake (SK), staccato, martellato, and tower swing. Book 2 proceeds to the next level of techniques that ringers will encounter in handbell music.
The music written in this collection is written for two and three octaves ringing ensembles ranging from levels 1 to 2. This collection features all original compositions other than "The Huron Carol", which is an arrangement. These pieces were created as companion pieces based on the same music but written in different keys to enable the best result for an individual two-octave and three-octave ensemble (e.g. "Siamese Cats" and "Calico Cats"). Since there are no tempo markings, the director may choose a tempo that best works for his/her group. The music in this collection may be played on either handbells or handchimes, though not all techniques are applicable for handchimes. Many of the pieces will feature several techniques from "Exploring Handbells Book 1" as well as those featured in this collection.