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I Love to Tell the Story - A
This gentle L2 rendition of the beloved hymn tune HANKEY features an easy optional Bell Tree obbligato, adding a soft sparkle to the rich chording and simple melody. Two non-compatible scores offer different range possibilities: MRE8514A for 2 octaves with opt C5-C6 or C6-C7 Bell Tree part and MRE8514B for 3 or 5 octaves with an optional B-flat3 and F5-F6 Bell Tree part.

Both scores can be played on chimes, leaving the range of 8 bells available for the Bell Tree, or a second set of bells can be used for the Bell Tree. The Bell Tree part may also be played by a C instrument. No shared bells mean this arrangement is ideal for socially distanced ringing. A vocal part may also be easily added. Perfect for Worship any time, especially for the children’s talk or scripture reading.

The sound clip features RE8514A for 2 octaves on chimes and Bell Tree, recorded virtually by Gloria Dei Handbell Choir 4/2021. Score 'A' is set in C major, Score 'B' is in F major. 44 measures, 2:30 performance time.

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Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MRE8514A I Love to Tell the Story - A   - 2 oct HB or HC with opt C to C Bell tree $5.00 S