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Ring Out! Press - Winter & Spring 2025 Notebooks Lights Risers & Stands Mallets Foam Digital Music

Two Easy Pieces
"Follow Me" uses a chordal melody, printed in red, over a bass line of moving quarter notes. It can be designated at Level 1 even though one pair of eighth notes occurs twice in the bass clef. There is a tempo change for the final three measures. "Angelic Hymn" also uses a chordal melody with the melodic notes doubled an octave lower. The use of red print for melodic notes makes it easy for ringers to identify the melody when it is buried in a chord. The bells used chart shows alternative assignments for the two quick bell changes. "Follow Me" is 33 measures and is scored in C Major. "Angelic Hymn" is 16 measures (but has a repeat) and is scored in Bb Major.
Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MDT4005 Two Easy Pieces   - 2 Oct HB or HC $3.75 S