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Choristers Guild - Fall 2024 Notebooks Risers & Stands Mallets Foam Digital Music Lights

Angelic Chorus
Whole, half and quarter notes that use the same easy patterns for all ringers help establish a feel for rhythmic relationships. Contrasts in dynamics, texture, and range add interest and provide an opportunity to explore musical concepts. (EVERYONE CAN RING SERIES is scored in numeric notation with color blocks for people who can not read music. Being able to play real bell music, as opposed to playing only chords as background to singing or a melodic solo instrument, and to sound good quickly builds confidence in new ringers.) This piece is set in C Major and is 36 measures.
Stock Number Detail - Note Price Qty. Ship
MDT5002 Angelic Chorus   - Everyone Can Ring Series (Score + 11 Parts)
 $24.00  $21.60