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Bells Across the Prairie
Dedicated for handchime ringers and their new chimes, this piece is set in A Major and includes a page turn. The treble clef music of this flexible score will stand alone with only 6 ringers using only bells or chimes; a 7th ringer can add B4-C5. With 8 ringers the melodic material (G#5-A6) can be rung on bells with the accompaniment (G#4 - F#5) played on chimes. The A6 requires a 3-octave set of bells; 2 octaves of chimes are sufficient. Although very easy eighth notes make it level 2, its repetitive chords make it easy to learn. It is 42 measures in length.
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MDT1007 Bells Across the Praire   - Handbells or Handchimes. $3.95 S