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Borealis grew from several musical concepts which evoked sensations, abstract images, and a sense of spirituality and mystery of a place where forces of nature in this harsh environmnent so dominate the struggle for existence. Linear stuctures (melody) are derived primarily from the locrian mode, the most uncommon of the ancient eccelesiastical scales, as well as the symmetrical scales(chromatic, whole tone and diminished)which, having no obvious tonal centre or home, are almost nomadic in nature. Vertical structures (harmony), dominated by perfect 4ths, 5ths, and octaves, have an open and hollow starkness as if unfullfilled by the comfort of the major or minor 3rd, maintaining a nomadic feel without an obvious tonal centre. Underlying all else are ostinatos, rhythmic structures providing a relentless momentum to Borealis.
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MBEHBSE1 Borealis   - Evocations of Arctic Canada
 $4.95  $2.97